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/r/Nutrition Weekly Personal Nutrition Discussion Post - All Personal Diet Questions Go Here

Welcome to the weekly r/Nutrition feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you want or need? Ask here.

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How effective would it be to incorporate the Subway Veggie patty into my Vegetarian Diet? (I’m trying to bulk)

So for context, I am a vegetarian and typically have long workdays. I’m not saying this should be a regular option but say in the event I don’t really have much time to cook and am able to squeeze in a gym session into my already limited hours, are there any downsides to occasionally incorporate the footlong Subway veggie patty as a post-workout meal? (I’m bulking right now - trying to hit 160g of protein per day minimum)

It contains 46g of protein (which is pretty substantial if you ask me) and makes it a lot easier for me to hit my daily protein requirements.


Not sure how to change my diet…Please help!

I know nothing of dieting/healthy eating/cooking, lol.

I am 26f, 5ft2in, 108/109 pounds, and pretty thin but with some flabbiness. I don’t really eat healthy at all but nothing makes me gain weight and I don’t really want to. I do, however, want to eat healthier all around.

I was thinking of doing the keto-chow meal replacements because it’s easy and requires no cooking and they’re super tasty.

I don’t work out anymore - is that necessary? I don’t know what to do to maintain my weight while eating healthier as my current junk food diet has me staying at the same weight consistently.

Is the keto chow not a good idea for my situation?

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.



I’ve recently decided to make a change with how I eat. I’ve been eating junk pretty often and its starting to build up on me but also I would like to lose weight while also gaining muscle following my commitment to the gym. I am currently around 6’1 and weigh 194, my goal is to reach 164 but it’s difficult for me to figure out what i really need to eat to help me reach it. I love meats, chicken, eggs, yogurt, some veggies and most fruits but I’m not a big fan of seafood but I do have exceptions that I like. Any help on how many portions I should eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner would be greatly appreciated.


My university has terrible food options, any advice for how to balance my diet? There are virtually no vegetables and very little protein available to me. I’ve been thinking about vitamins or supplements or something but I have no clue what would be a good fit especially because there are so many things out there in the world and I’m not sure how many are legit.I’m 19 y/o girl, 5’ tall, around 140lbs, I walk around campus and am on my feet a lot but I have hard time keeping to any routine & am not good at really exercising regularly. I love my school but when I’m there I feel so unhealthy. Help?


I would like some advice for nutrition with a big exam coming up!

I am taking the MCAT in less than 2 weeks, and would like advice on:

Any advice would be much appreciated!!!


Where do I start? A little about me:
- late-30s male living in the US
- 6’ tall, 160lb
- never much variance in weight
- don’t exercise much but have been trying to fix this (bought an exercise bike)
- work from home
- don’t really love sweets
- really really love salty food: historically snack on chips frequently and am increasingly worried about this
- totally open to eating just about everything EXCEPT dill pickles :)
- that said, I’d like to reduce red meat entirely and stick to white meat/fish (or even less of that would be good too)
- almost always in a rush in mornings and lunchtimes and hate spending much time cooking in general
- just not much of an idea what I should be eating

I just don’t know what I should be doing, and have a hard time figuring out the right “diet” for me to attempt to pivot to. Searching around the web leads me to diets for folks trying to trim weight, which isn’t me. I’m not trying to gain weight, rather just make sure I’m eating a healthy diet. I tend to eat a lot of takeout and as I said, definitely eat too much salt.

What I’d really love is somewhere/something to tell me just “here’s what you should eat each day and here are some ideas of how to make that tasty.” What’s the best place to go for this? Thank you in advance!!


Help. I’m a total newbie to nutrition and trying to figure out a good diet plan for building muscle and losing about 10lb. For context, I’m a mid 20s female, workout about 50-60+ mins a day, usually about half cardio half weight lifting/core workouts. Right now my main issue is I have a major sweet tooth, so I know I need to cut down on sugar, but other than that, what should I be eating? How much of a calorie deficit should I target per day for healthy weight loss? How many grams of protein do I need (and are there other nutrients/supplements I should be getting) to build muscle? Does anyone have good snack recommendations that require very little prep and I can basically just keep in the fridge/cabinet to easily grab when I’m hungry instead of reaching for chocolate? Thank you!!


So I literally cannot stomach vegetables. As soon as my tastebuds pick up the taste of any vegetables in my mouth, a viopent gag reflex quickly ensures that they are projected back out of my throat (if they made it that far), and out of my mouth. I want to be able to eat vegetables, because I understand they would do wonders for my diet, but the fact that their tastes are so egregiously repulsive to me makes it nearly impossible. Any help or advice on being able to get them into my stomach?


Question 1: I have tried for my entire life to better and improve my diet but am finding it terribly difficult. I struggle to branch out and try new foods for fear of not liking them. How do I break this fear and try new stuff?

Question 2: There are a few new things I eat that I never would have touched before like salad, but I never feel full after eating something like this. What should I do to eat healthy yet feel satisfied at the same time? I always find that I have a salad for lunch but I then get hungry an hour or two later and end up eating a fried chicken sandwich or something of the sort.


After about a year of weight loss and calorie restriction, and a year or so of adding some back to figure out maintenance calories. Why do I find myself having moments of hunger more often now than I did during restriction? I fast 16/8 routinely, my diet is primarily fat and protein based ( nuts, eggs, meat, dairy )with carb intake at around 115g, coming primarily from vegetables and berries. Was just curious to get some ideas or thoughts on why this is occurring. I’m rather sedentary btw, eat at around 2300 calories.


Should micronutrients be increased with a higher calorie diet? Do the daily UL and LLs change dependent on how much you are eating? USDA’s micronutrient daily recconended levels are for a 2000 calorie diet but I can’t seem to find anywhere if these numbers would be higher, for example, in a 4000 calorie bulking diet. Are there any specific nutrients that would have their amounts changed?

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