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/r/Nutrition Weekly Personal Nutrition Discussion Post - All Personal Diet Questions Go Here

Welcome to the weekly r/Nutrition feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you want or need? Ask here.

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Hi, so I’m a 17 year old male and I started my weight loss a couple months ago, and weight about 165 pounds at 6 feet tall. I still have some belly fat that I want to lose, but I also want to start gaining muscle. I go to the gym often but I’m confused on how many calories and what sorts of macros I need to eat. I tried doing calculators with my BMR and stuff but I’m still confused. Any help would be really appreciated.


I’ve been eating and drinking soy for 17 years of my life, I am 17, what bad effects should I be noticing?

I’m 17 and I’ve probably eaten/drank WAY over 200lbs of soy in my life. Soy is a touchy topic. I’m a black male. If soy really does mess with health and hormones, I should able to pick apart the side effects that I have received no? Let’s play bingo or something idk.

Ok. You tell me what problems I would probably have by now, I tell you what I have had.

If it really does cause feminization, my thighs and butt are somewhat feminine as most of my fat is stored there, my female friends have also told me I have a nice @$$, not that I want one nor am I proud of it. That’s the only logical thing I could think of being a cause of soy or just stupid genetics.


Hi all,

I’m currently struggling with craving sugar (primarily chocolate, candies, or pastries), especially while at work. (Not sure if it’s everyone around me eating them or the 12- hour shifts).

Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to curb these cravings?

Thank you!


Hello, my situation is this, I work in a environment that requires a lot of physical work therefore i get breakfast and lunch from my employer but this food is basically carbs and fat ( 2 arepas w/ chess and a cup of coffe for breakfast) lunch is basically rice, meat stew and plantain most of the time. I started to hit the gym 2 months ago and now I started to gain more muscle obviously and im good with that. Question is what can I have for breakfast that will give me the same energy as that amount of carbs and fat?


I just started on my weight loss journey last week and I’ve been overthinking about my diet. Would be a great help if I get some reviews.My current weight is 163lbs and I’m aiming for 150lbs.My maintenance calories are 2050 a day.My current diet aims at 1600 calories a day.I workout 5 days a week and have a sedentary job.

My macros are :Carbohydrates- 147g(32%)Protein- 183g(39%)Fats- 57g(29%)

My food consists of the following ( I’ve divided it in six meals):Chicken breast- 250g,Whey protein- 2 scoops,3 egg whites,3 whole eggs,4 Almonds,2 dates,Olive oil 6g,Clarified butter 10g,Garbanzo beans 60g,1 Apple,6 Chapati.


I don’t eat a ton of added sugar (max 10g in on day), have a high protein/fiber diet, and also make sure not to eat more calories than I expend. But I still have a lot of belly fat… why is that? How can I get rid if it?


Say I have a plate of fruit with X sugar and Y fiber

White rice has mostly sugar and little fiber

Some vegetable has lots of fiber and little sugar

If i combine rice and that vegetable on my plate, so that it has exactly X sugar and Y fiber, will my glycemic/insulin response be roughly the same as eating that plate of fruit mentioned above?


Hi r/nutrition! I recently got into indoor cycling with Zwift. I’ve lived a fairly sedentary lifestyle for the last couple of years and now that I am being more active I am trying to make sure that I’m putting good nutrients into my body as I’m burning more calories than I usually do.

My primary question is regarding things like protein powders and meal replacement powders. Are these kinds of products good for replenishing what was used during a workout and if so what should I look for when shopping for a post-workout product?

A quick glance at my Zwift history says I’m burning about 600ish calories per ride but obviously there is some variance there. I hope this is enough information to get some advise, but I’ll try to add clarifying points as needed.


I’ve been trying to bulk up these last 4 months or so, eating plenty of protein ( around 150g a day) and adding more carbs to my usual diet.

I’m relatively short, 5’5”, 40 year old guy. I just checked today and compared to then, I went up from 128 to 141 lbs, which is nice i guess, but my body fat has gone from 14.5 to 19, which is a LOT for me.

Makes me think that most of what I’ve gained is just fat and I’m not sure I want to keep going is this is the result.I train 3 times a week for 1hour in a full body routine and now starting some rope jumping my off days.

I originally thought of bulking up the whole winter, but I’m not so sure now.

What do you think I should do?


I have low appetite and, after I started counting calories, I noticed that I often don’t eat my recommended daily calorie intake. As a result, I have been losing weight, even though I currently am at a healthy weight. A calculator said that I should be eating around 1700 \~ 1850 a day, but when I am able to count how many calories I eat in a day, it often ends up around 1400. Days when I eat a bunch of junk food are probably what prevent me from losing too much weight.


My question is, how do I go about increasing my caloric intake (and weight) in a healthy way? Will I just have to force myself to eat more (in general, and not junk food)? If it makes any difference, I’m a 21y/o female, 169cm, and 120 lbs. My lifestyle is rather sedintary, unless a random hour of pacing at irregular intervals maybe once a week or so take me out of that category


Trying to figure TDEE. Can anyone give me suggestions? 26 y/o male, 235 lbs, 13% bf (according to calipers), lift weights 4 days a week minimum with high intensity.

I think based on my height/weight/bf% I can’t trust the simple calculators.

Would like to know what calories I should start with for my cut. Thinking 2500, then 2300, then 2100. Over the course of 3-4 months. Maintaining 190g of protein minimum. Ideas?


Just wondering if my usual week of food is healthy or not. I am 29/F and I’ve calculated that I burn around 1800 - 1900 calories per day. I don’t really count my calories but I assume I consume 1600 - 1700 per day.

My lunch is always my dinner left overs. I tend to eat 100g of meat per meal (so 200g per day). I skip breakfast. I have about 130g of white rice with most meals. I also eat a vegetable side dish with each meal. Typically half a head of broccoli or several ocra pods, etc. I drink water only, except on Saturday when I eat out.

I try to be mindful about eating enough vegetables. The measurements I give below are kind of rough because I typically make enough food for 4 meals so I am trying to calculate for 1 meal. I am careful about salt so although it looks like I use a lot, that isn’t a concern!

Typical week menu:

Sunday: Gyoza Rice Bowl (100g ground meat, flavored with cooking liquor, vinegar and soy sauce. 50g Nira [garlic chives]. 1 Egg. ) This meal is not super healthy I know. lol.

Monday: Chinese style Spicy Eggplant. (1.5 eggplants, 50g meat, 1 bell pepper. Seasoned with garlic, Chinese miso and chicken stock powder.)

Tuesday: Tofu Stir Fry. (Half a bag of Spinach, 100g Tofu, 1 egg, seasoned with soy sauce, garlic and ginger)

Wednesday: Chicken Komatsuna (150g chicken thigh, 1 whole bag of komatsuna [“Japanese mustard spinach”], seasoned with soy sauce, miso, mirin, 1 tablespoon mayo)

Thursday: Creamy Salmon. (1.5 fillet of salmon, .5 bag baby spinach, .5 package cherry tomato, 50ml heavy cream, garlic, basil, 5g butter)

Friday: Kimchi Nabe (Hot pot with many vegetables, 50g pork slice and kimchi)

Saturday: I typically eat out on this day. Basic example: 1,000 calories worth of food from Mcdonald’s. Usually with the dinner from the previous day, I should still be within my calories.

Hopefully this is enough information to kind of get an idea. I’d like to lose weight (and I have been) but it’s not like some massive goal for me. I just want to eat healthy.


Hey guys. 21M, vegetarian, and I’m trying to lose some fat. I’ve been doing intermittent fasting and remaining at a calorie deficit, but I’m struggling to get healthy food due to time constraints in my schedule, as well as exercise due to the same reasons. I try to get the most protein in my diet, which a lot of times end up being Taco Bell and frozen foods made from pea or similar protein extracts. Exercise is hard to come by as well, as I’m working most of the day and am far too exhausted to work out afterwords. I can usually get in a few makeshift reps of pull-ups or squats while at work, but it’s honestly not that much.

After that novel, my question is: is this healthy? I don’t want to be losing fat at the cost of my nutrition. If anyone has suggestions for room temp (fridge at work is a biohazard), healthy vegetarian food I’ll give it a try


I just recently figured out how easy baby portabella mushrooms are to cook and they taste so good. I have added them to my eggs in the morning and at night I put some cholesterol free veggie oil and a ton of veggies (and sometimes some sort of meat) in a pan and cook it that way. Is there a downside? I know they are healthy but is there something I should be cautious of?


Can avocados lower body temperature?

About a year ago had a bad flu and now my stable body temperature is 37.5 C (99.5F) since. Did tons of blood tests and nothing out of ordinary. I have no confirmed diagnosis.

Meds like paracetamol don’t lower the temperature. However, a single avocado does help and lowers it to about 37 C (98.6F) and I feel much better almost instantly, for about a few hours. No other foods I tried had the same effect.

I couldn’t find any info on the subject. The only clue I’ve read is avocados help with inflammation. But blood tests show no inflammatory processes going. Consulted with doctors (physician, endocrinologist, dietitian) but they have no idea either.

Is there a known reason avocado can have this effect? If so, how does this work? Is there a specific element responsible for it?


Hi I (21f) am trying to lose weight and overall to live healthier. Starting with food because I had/have unhealthy habits and didn’t eat at all or ate too much - I have an app where I can put my foods and drinks and it’ll keep me up to how many carbs/protein/fat/fiber I ate. But I’m not sure what should be my daily intake? I searched the internet of course and tried to calculate but it always comes out different or like in the bigger picture how many KJ a day? Somewhere it told me around 7000kj and somewhere around 6 000 and then 5053kj so do you guys have some sites you could forward me to or some tips how to decide and calculate this?

PS: If it’s the wrong sub just tell me where to go, Thanks!


How can I get satiated from only eating veges?

Drinking water before and after meals

I started to add oils and fats to my salad (what’s a good amount if any)

Adding nuts (and eating pure peanut butter before or afterwards to help with hunger pangs)

Eating less greens more beetroot carrot

If I eat salad every day is it a waste of time taking

B12 or

Fish oil or




So before I start, I understand that alcohol is not to be leaned on heavily to help create a calorie surplus. I understand its detrimental effects for weight gain and overall health if used excessively. I understand that when you consume alcohol, the body stops/slows protein synthesis and around 75% of carb/fat oxidation to prioritize metabolizing and excreting alcohol (treating it as a toxin).

My question is: If I were to have 2 or 3 beers, should I count those beer calories in myfitnesspal? If my calorie surplus goal at the moment is 2700-2800, and if I am at around 2650 or so for the day before I sit down to have two or three miller lites (96 calories each), should those two or three miller lite calories be counted toward my surplus goal? Im not asking if its OK to have beer, but should the calories themselves be counted toward my surplus goals?

Im finding that all of this is very nuanced :) All literature that I read explains potential health benefits from a drink or two each night, or what alcohol really does, or how to calculate its calories. I get that… but they are empty calories. You can apply them as carbs or fats with a simple equation, but is that accurate? I look at it as…if my body has 250 carbs to run through for energy and I add in another 50 carbs from…anything, i now have 300 carbs. If my body has 250 carbs to run through for energy and two beers, It has that to go through those two beers first until it gets to the 250 carbs…all the same in the end, right?

tldr; its Thanksgiving in a few days :). I know its OK to “cheat” every so often, moderation wont hurt yadda yadda. But I want to be accurate with the calorie counting. i know a few beers doesnt hurt, but I want to be accurate. Im a numbers guy :)


A bit weird: I’m looking to reduce the smell of my farts. Issue is that I eat alot of foods that can potentially cause that issue. I eat alot of:

Garlic, onions, spinach, and eggs.

What are good replacements, general tips, or other ingredients or foods to help with that?


I’m 23% body fat right now and I’ve been in a deficit for nearly a year now. During the summer I was eating 1300 calories a day which I realize now is too extreme because now, I am 6’0 170 pounds which is average weight for my height but I’m still at 23% body fat. I’m now eating 2100 calories a day and the scale isn’t budging. I workout 6 days a week. I heard that if I eat 200 calories above my TDEE I will gain muscle and lose fat. Is this possible? Should I do it? I’m struggling right now.


i recently stopped eating junk food and drinking soda and never ate a vegetable or fruit for 22 years. It’s been a slow process but my daily meals usually go something like this now

Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs with a cup of spinach, some kale, and bell peppers… with almond oatmeal and an avocado/lemon

Lunch - usually keep it small with a snack and have nuts, raisins, greek yogurt, fruit yogurt cereal, trail mix etc

Dinner - either salmon or chicken with sautéed bell peppers, garlic, onions with spanish rice. Maybe some light spinach eggs if i’m still hungry (i like eggs a lot lol) Chobani Flip (mmm yummy)and a nut/turkey square/cheedar cheese square mix

Also drink about 2-3 cups of milk a day

is this a good diet for mental health? also i hope i’m getting all the proper nutrients n stuff i need. i don’t care about losing weight i’m very skinny lol but i have had a slew of mental problems over the years.


I don’t know why it was deleted and disagree but I posted about olympians and runners drinking nonalcoholic beers and whether there were any studies on the health effects of nonalcoholic beer. It has no alcohol soIt doesn’t mess with REM sleep and it has b vitamins. There are tasty ipa varieties now. Any lowering of alcohol ingestion is probably a plus since it’s a carcinogen


hey guys!

what do you think is a good number of calories to loss fat if my height is 1,77 cm and my weight is 76-77 kg??

I normally train weights 4 days a week + 1 day of running cause im preparing a half marathon

thank you for your help!!


How bad is it to eat pork ribs every single day?

I recently broke my 10 year pescatarian streak, and like everyday for 2 weeks I’ve been eating pork ribs… I don’t eat anything else besides pork ribs or rotisserie chicken occasionally I’ll eat beef short ribs… I will eat a few snacks here and there of other items and sides such as salads, grains, bread and what not… but as far as meals go, literally my main item is pork ribs or rotisserie chicken.

How bad is it to eat rotisserie chicken everyday, and how bad is it to eat pork ribs everyday.

I have been trying to gain muscle, so I’ve been eating more and trying to get as much protein in while also lifting weights.


Hey r/nutrition - long time Redditor, 1st post from my new account:

Looking for feedback on my meal prep strategy:

I recently moved to Austin into my own apartment after living with my family for the past 3 years recovering from addiction. I’m working at Discount Tire in a physically active job and need to make sure I eat enough calories and make sure my macros are on point. I have been struggling with finding the time to shop, cook, and clean enough healthy food with enough variety. Not trying to lose weight, but I probably will burn fat and lose weight if I just eat clean for maintenance.

35yo M, 196lbs, 6’, >25% BF

Moderately physically active job (9-11k steps + squatting down and bending over) in the morning from 7:45 to 1:15, hoping to start lifting again once I get the hang of my nutrition.

2500 calories estimated TDEE

I don’t necessarily need a nutritionist, just someone who knows what they’re doing to give general advice on a basic plan of meals (NOT recipes). Something like:

Breakfast A, B, C - x calories, x macros

Snack A, B, C - x calories, x macros

Lunch A, B, C - x calories, x macros

Dinner A, B, C - x calories, x macros

Making sure I get enough healthy fats, no added sugar, slow digesting carbs, and fruits and green vegetables.

I’m just looking for some kind of system where I can shop once a week, prep on Sundays and Wednesdays, and be able to cook a few proteins, a few carbs, and some healthy fats and be able to mix and match them with some spices and sauces to change it up.

I use Lifesum, so I’m planning on saving the A, B, C meals so I can easily log them, having already weighed the foods and logged the calories.

Any help is appreciated!


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