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/r/Nutrition Weekly Personal Nutrition Discussion Post - All Personal Diet Questions Go Here

Welcome to the weekly r/Nutrition feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you want or need? Ask here.

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Is steaming frozen vegetables significantly reducing the vitamins/minerals?


I usually buy frozen vegetables (of a wide variety), put them in a large pot, pour some water, put a veggie steamer basket (like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08543FLWC/) and put the stove on hot for the water to boil, then reduce it to medium. I do this without a lid. Is this the best way to steam vegetables? What is the best way to prep
frozen vegetables with minimum amount of vitamin/nutrients lost?


I am trying to lose some bodyfat with dieting. Can I pay less attention to how much fat I am consuming, so long as I am in a caloric deficit? I wouldn’t completely ignore it, but if I’m consuming healthy fats, is it okay to be loose with how much I eat?


Does anyone have any good at home electrolyte blends? Not a huge fan of the store bought stuff so I did some digging, found this recipe and have been using for 3+ years now. Any comments on the efficacy of the ingredients? It’s fairly common house hold items (just make sure you get the pharma grade bath salts) I love it but was curious about what others who are wiser than me say 4:1:1 Baking soda, Lite Morton’s Salt, Epsom salt


What are thoughts on meal replacement / supplements for during the day?
I take medication that has a side effect of suppressing appetite. I tend to have a cafe latte in the morning, but all too often skip lunch and dinner is my main meal. I notice not having eaten by 5-6pm (mood, energy). I know whole, raw food is always best (when I remember, I’ll make a bowl of fruit with skyr yogurt, chia, flax, etc.), but I can’t get myself to do that regularly.
So: What are some supplements / meal replacements that would help me cover my bases during the day, that are easy & fast to prepare and consume?
Other than when I took whey protein many years ago for athletic weight training, I’m totally new to things like meal replacement. I’ve been looking at things like Athletic Greens, Soylent, and so on. Or would a regular old whey protein shake be enough?
It’s less about filling me up (meal replacement) than it is giving me an easy, fast way to get the nutrients I need. Thank you for any advice!


Looking for advice or insight on how to GAIN healthy weight. I have close to zero appetite and I don’t really get hunger pains. I forget to eat alot. I may go a day and a half or two days without eating or being hungry. I was in an accident a few years ago and suffered spinal injuries that I’m still being treated for. Before my accident I was working out 6 times a week. At 5’7” I weighed 155 lbs and less than 13% body fat. But since my accident and being in chronic pain 24/7 I have lost 28 lbs and I am way too skinny now. Looking for ideas or advice on how to increase my appetite and what foods I should eat to help gain weight from small portions of food. I eat about a handful of food and I get full. I tried smoking cannabis and I do get munchies hungry but I don’t like being high. So I’m hoping someone here can suggest something. Thxs!


How many salad greens are in a serving? I read the label and saw that a massive container only had two servings, and I was pretty appalled that I would have to eat that in two days to get one serving of salad a day. That would be like filling up a dinner-sized bowl with greens every day, to the top!

I hope those servings were based on just that one label. If not, I have some work to do. I’ll eat more salad I guess if a serving is that big, lol!


I legitimately struggle to eat fruits and vegetables because I am so picky, Currently I’m on a calorie deficit diet and have been drinking smoothies as well as eating frozen mango to try to get more fruits into my diet. Online I’ve seen multiple sources say smoothies arent as nutritional for you compared to whole fruit which I kinda understand. But I have also seen some sources say blending fruit adds calories to it. If I was to weigh out say 150 grams of different fruits adding up to 100 calories would the calories go up despite only blending the fruits with water? I’m yet to get a clear answer anywhere.


I attempted to design this short-term meal plan for weight loss and adequate nutrition.

Breakfast milkshake:


I am a fan of intermittent fasting, so skipping a third meal is no trouble for me. I also supplement with 1000IU of vitamin D, 400g of folic acid, 30g of zinc and 150g of magnesium citrate. I’m currently experimenting with nutritional yeast and/or yeast extract for vitamin b1. Yeast extract could also replace my folic acid supplement.

I count around 140-150g of protein, which might be a lot for a completely sedentary lifestyle but I’ve found it helps me feel satiated.

Long-term, I would add rice and sautéed vegetables.


Please review my meal plan

Context: Mid 30s male, lean with belly fat and a bit of man boobs, 35.5 max waist. 5’11
Goal: bulk up and lose belly fat
I created this meal plan with the goal to minimize cooking requirement.
Current meal plan:
Bullet Coffee
Protein shake 2 scoops 2x25 gm protien
Egg White 3
Whole Egg 2
5 Almonds
Brown rice cooked 1 cup
5 almonds
Chicken/Veggies/pulses not measured
Mid day/ after workout:
Protein shake 2 scoops 2x25 gm protien
Rx Bar (protien bar)
Mixed veg/salad
3 egg white

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