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/r/Nutrition Weekly Personal Nutrition Discussion Post - All Personal Diet Questions Go Here

Welcome to the weekly r/Nutrition feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you want or need? Ask here.

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Does cooking meat increase protein? I’m so confused.

When you buy a pound of raw 70% lean ground beef it’ll say 65 grams of protein. Same when you Google it raw. However when you change the wording on Google to baked it’ll say 107 g protein or change it to broiled it’ll say 117 g protein.

But then when I directly googled if cooking meat increases protein this first article that pops up says no.

“Studies of the effects of cooking and other methods of processing report no significant alterations in the protein value of meat. However, cooking at too high a temperature for long periods of time can slightly decrease the biological value of meat proteins.”


When I’m buying raw meat should I go by the protein that’s on the nutrition label or go by the cooked version Google or calorie counting apps tells me?


Hi all, I (33F) received the results of some blood tests today and I found out I’m deficient in iron & vitamin D.

My question relates to iron supplementation (I’m also supplementing with Vitamin D3 but I’m mainly interested in Iron).

I know that it can take 3-6 months for levels to improve and your liver to replenish its iron stores, but how long after you began supplementing did you notice a difference in your energy levels?

For reference my total serum iron is at 26mcg/dL (most likely due to heavy periods). On my doctors recommendation I’m supplementing with Ferro-grad C (eqv. to 105mg elemental iron / 500mg vitamin c per day).

Thanks :)


I’m an active high school student with a busy schedule. What are the downsides and nutrients I might be missing if I eat lots of trail mix? I still eat other things obviously but a decent chunk of calories come from a bag of trail mix I carry around. Any tips?


Is my boring diet healthy in general? What I’m missing? Thank you in advance.

5 AM

- cottage cheese

- 2 whole wheat/sprouted/multi-seed bread toasts with peanutbutter

8 AM

- some fruits (grapes, raspberry, strawberry, avocado)

11 AM

- lightly fried veges (broccoli and carrot)

- fried fish (salmon/mahi-mahi)

6 PM

- cottage cheese

- 2 whole wheat bread toasts with peanutbutter.


How best should I control/avoid sugar/sweet cravings?

To give more insight about my diet:

Meal 1: Almond Milk, Peanut Butter, Oats, ProteinMeal 2: Chicken and Rice Meal 3: ProteinMeal 4: Broccoli, Spinach, and Rice

The cravings are usually post meal 2 and 4.


I have started using myfitnesspal to track my calories and my macros. Based on my weight of 210lbs I have set my macronutrients to 165g, 193g, and 86g for carbs, protein, and fats respectively with a daily caloric limit of 2,205 calories. 165 seems pretty high for carbs, is this the absolute maximum I should be eating, or is this the minimum amount, same thing for fats, should there be a minimum number I should be eating or is there a limit to the number of fats I should consume. I do understand that protein is not bad for weight loss but as I lose weight should that amount be lowered or should I continue to eat as much as I can as long as I don’t consume too many calories?

I am male 210 lbs - 6’2.


I’m trying to structure a diet of blended food that has all the necessary components of a complete and sustainable diet.

For background I have severe ADHD and I struggle to eat daily due to forgetfulness and my medication which inhibits appetite. I often forget to eat meals and as a result i’m bordering on underweight. I want to create blended meals to replace the ones I accidentally miss. I don’t plan to stop eating solid food, just to establish these shakes that contain the necessary components of a healthy diet.

Here’s the diet:

It’s 2,719 Cals with 106g Fat, 366g Carbs, and 101g Protien

[Sat Fat 32g, Cholesterol 426mg, Sodium 887mg, fiber 75g, sugar 115g]

the food would be broken down into four meals: morning (9am), early afternoon(12pm), late afternoon(4pm), and evening (8pm).

Would this be safe or healthy?


Is it okay to eat the same thing every day if that food is nutritious? I basically eat this every day. I prefer a limited diet, idk why

Meal 1. Yogurt, apple, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ

Meal 2. Chickpeas, tahini, spinach

Meal 3. Quinoa and black beans

Snacks: nuts, edamame, fruits


Does pea/plant protien work in terms of inhibiting muscle growth?

My SO’s mom has multiple tubs of Orgain protien powder that she’s been giving us. It’s not bad by any means, but I’ve always struggled to gain weight as a result of swimming my whole life (I’m 6’2/175ish) and I found this whey protien brand at Aldi and was thinking of supplementing it with meal replacement shakes.


can I alternate two different forms of creatine

I bought creatine hcl 189 pills and started taking them about 2 weeks ago. 1 week ago I started using a pre workout that includes 5 grams of creatine monohydrate. Can I skip the hcl 189 on days where I use the pre, or will this be less effective than daily use of one or the other?


I am female 114 lbs - 4”11 - activity level pretty high - outside of gym moderately fit - starting to gym 4x a week strength training - cardio 2x a week - metabolism fast all my life aiming for 2200 cals daily to gain muscle mass - question: is this too high? Or in combination with the exercising this will be ok to start? Should I start taking creatine now (been working out for only a week) or should I wait a few weeks.


Coping methods for overeating at night? I eat mostly WFPB. Usually a small breakfast, good sized lunch and small afternoon snack. But then I eat like 3 servings of dinner and usually have 3-4 drinks in a night. I have a hard time stopping myself even though I know it’s not good for me. Any tips you all have would be much appreciated.


I’m currently trying to bulk atm but between work and school I’m struggling to get all my meals in, is there any downside to have two protein shakes with double protein per day? So that’ll be 80g of protein(out of 150g total) from the shakes, I’d also be using blueberries as my carb source. Does it matter that it’s pea protein?


I’m 14M, 131lbs, 5’9

I’ve lost 60 lbs in the past year but I still look bad so I think I should keep cutting. Sadly everyone on reddit think I should stop cutting despite the clear body fat I have

Estimate please?




I just want to nlt look so unattractive

I do strength excersices and get protein, I eat between 1800-1950 calories a day tracked


Question on calculating the Macro percentages of individual foods or recipes rather than an entire day’s worth of food. I am working on a program to parse the food I log during the day on My Fitness Pal and provide Macro values per food item for the program algorithm to mix and match to create a more balanced meal plan out of the foods I currently eat. However, the values never seem to balance out the individual calories to the total calories. Below is an example of a protein shake I made. Values are off the labels. From my understanding the formula is grams * calorie count (4 for Carbs/Protein and 9 for Fat). To get percentage, it is Calories From / Total calories * 100. What am I doing incorrect in the below calculations?

8oz Silk Vanilla Soy Milk

Calories - 100  Fat - 3.5g  Carbs - 11g  Protein - 6g  

50g Orgain Organic Protein Powder, choc

Calories - 170  Fat - 5g  Carbs - 18g   Protein - 21g  

13g PB2

Calories - 60  Fat - 1.5g  Carbs - 5g  Protein - 6g  

Total Cals - 100 + 170 + 60 = 330
Total Fat - 10g - Cals From 10*9 = 90 - Macro % 90 / 330 * 100= 27.3
Total Carbs - 34g - Cals From 34*4 = 136 - Macro % 136 / 330 * 100 = 41.2
Total Protein - 33g - Cals From 33*4 = 132 - Macro % 132 / 330 * 100 = 40

Total Calories From - 90 + 136 + 132 = 358
Macro percentages - 27.3 + 41.2 + 40 = 108.5%


2 Nutrition questions: Are saturated fats from dairy, specifically cheddar cheese, something to be avoided or do they just fall under the “all fats are bad” nonsense they spewed out? I avoid trans fats and anything fried, most fats I eat come from seeds, eggs, and dairy.

Typical daily nutrition breakdown was: (on average)280g protein260 carbs (+52g fiber)170g fat3800 calories

Following removal of specific fatty foods (2 sausage patties) and switching cheddar for fat free cheddar, switching from XL tortillas to L tortillas the breakdown was:

270g protein240g carbs (52g fiber)105g fat3100 calories

Which is roughly 36% protein, 32% carbs, 32% fat.

Goals have been to build muscle and strength, I’m not putting on lbs of fat and weight gain has been around 0.5lb every week or two. My concern is the drop in calories will stagnate progress, I’m very easily meeting protein requirements and then some (weigh 186-187lbs), so should I add in more carbs or fat to cover the caloric loss?

All nutrition breakdown has been taken from nutrition labels, nothing has been estimated.


I am a first year high school teacher that’s absolutely drowning in anxiety and being overworked. I forget to eat most days and then eat something like $25 worth of fast food and then go to bed.

I have a mini fridge, Breville toaster oven and access to a microwave in my classroom. We have a Sprouts grocery store which is probably the nicest we have.. I need ideas for food I can cook during lunch and throughout the day to stay sane and get healthier.

I have so little free time that the kicker is, I’d really not like to meal prep or cook. Are there “healthy” prepackaged items I can buy at said grocery store? Ideas?

I don’t mean to be lazy but I am barely hanging on by a thread mentally. I really need help. Thanks in advance for anything.


My diet is always the same meals:

Breakfast: Fruit and yoghurt with granola (oats and nuts)

Lunch: dense frisian rye bread with butter or mayo, smoked chicken breast, brie cheese and tomato

Dinner: sauteed vegetables with tomato sauce and eggs. Kinda like shakshuka

IMO the only thing unhealthy about my diet is the sodium, as i cook dinner in bulk and sometimes I make a mistake and put too much salt, but I’ve no heart problems so i don’t think it’s such a big deal

I vary the fruits in my breakfast and the vegetables in my dinner. Tho if i like the particular combination i eat the same veggies for a few weeks.

I’ve been told its unhealthy to eat the same things every day, but I think the amount of variation in my diet is enough. Is that true?


I’ve seen fitness influencer just lift heavy and eat whatever they want.

If you lift weights as long as you eat enough protein (1.6-1.8gr/kg) and need caloric surplus , is eating anything dirty (eg:pizza, ice cream, burger,etc) will it convert to muscle and not fat?

Just been wondering how that works and do to our body,


So I’m currently in the deep end right now. I want to start gaining size and muscle to have an aesthetic physique for myself, and chicks.. xD. As of now I am 16 years old, 170cm tall, 53kg, I used to race mountain bikes where I would burn 5000+ calories per day - however I have stopped and only average 1000-2000 calories burnt per day. I am relatively fit, and pretty new into gym (about 2 months). I can bench 30kg, deadlift 80kg, barbell curl 20kg (for reps).

I have not started taking supplements yet - I don’t even own protein powder. But I intend on buying creatine as I get even more committed.

Are online meal plans a gimmick or do they actually work? I have absolutely no idea what I have to eat to start gaining weight. Ever since I stopped riding bikes and working out at home (generic bench with leg and hamstring raise) I have increased my body weight by 4kg. I’ve been eating chicken and rice for my lunches, however I want to know if it’s really worth it. What is your experiences? Do you recommend any for beginners/teens?


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