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/r/Nutrition Weekly Personal Nutrition Discussion Post - All Personal Diet Questions Go Here

Welcome to the weekly r/Nutrition feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you want or need? Ask here.

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Hey everyone I had a post up but got deleted so I’ll run through what I’m asking about. I’ve recently started working 12 hour physical nights. My breaks aren’t the longest so best I can do is snack. I’m looking for meals before/after to keep me fueled and help for when I’m resting for recovery. I’ve never been that into the benefits of food and generally just eat what I like when I like. I’m trying to become healthier and cutting down on on bad snacking food as I’ll be able to snack on the products at work which is a wide variety of nuts. Any advice will be appreciated and thanks in advance


Sorry if this is a bit of a basic question but since i started tracking my diet with myfitnesspal I’ve noticed that I get a lot more of my calories from fat than it suggests. (40-50%) Is this ok? (assuming I’m not going over on calories). A lot of them are from olive oil specificly (probably 200-400 calories a day) since I pretty much fry everything in it…


Need some advice on an issue I’ve had for a little while now.

Usually multiple times a week I get very tired around the same time of day, 12-3pm lunch time. It sometimes comes before lunch, but surprisingly it also comes after I eat a meal. I purposely even eat very nutritious and balanced meal at lunch to try to counter the fatigue but still happens. I get tired that my body wants me to nap pretty badly. Like I could nap in my chair. Like I will eat beef broccoli rice meal, or fish and rice, or chicken breast broccoli rice for lunch and still feel tired. I’ve tried many different foods at lunch to see if it was a specific food causing it but it happens no matter what food I eat. I’m not super active person or doing crazy physical labor or anything. I am moderately active, working around the house and taking care of a dog, cleaning up, doing chores, playing with dog outside, sometimes go for a 1 hr walk before lunch. I usually work out after lunch or near dinner time. My diet is pretty good, I meet my macros, lots of protein and carbs too. I’m at a slight cal deficit, but only like 100-300 cals. I believe I was tired at lunch even when I was at a surplus or maintenance

I’m not sure why im getting tired around lunch time. Its literally the only time it happens. During the morning and at night I am fine and awake and ready for anything. I read that this is common to happen for people to feel drained at this time, but I purposely eat properly and get good sleep and do things to keep me awake and energized but it doesnt work during lunch.

Anything I can try changing or fixing to stop being tired around lunch time or after eating lunch?


Is there anything I can do to stop or at least help with my sugar consumption?

I literally eat sugar straight from the bag. I have gone entire days eating nothing but sugar. And the weird thing is I don’t really like sweets/soda (I only drink water). I find juice and any flavored drinks to be “too sweet.” I can’t even replace sugar with any other sweet treat as it does not do the job. Has anyone else had this problem?

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Categories: nutrition snack recover calories oil lunch beef fish chicken dinner macro carbs deficit morning sleep sugar soda