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/r/Nutrition Weekly Personal Nutrition Discussion Post - All Personal Diet Questions Go Here

Welcome to the weekly r/Nutrition feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you want or need? Ask here.

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If a person eats only healthy foods such as fish and vegetables but in a high enough quantity that their BMI is around 25.4, toward the top of the healthy range on the BMI, might their cholesterol be higher than if they eat the same foods but in a lower quantity so that the BMI is 22.3? If so, why?


What specific foods/ingredients/supplements can I eat daily for a “super human” diet?

Odd request, but I have this ongoing desire to eat the absolute best ingredients daily to give my body everything it wants and more, which I’m dubbing as a “super human diet”

Something about feeling greatness and strength and top tier health has clicked in my head. So I’ve been eating veggie smoothies, fruit smoothies, Vega protein shakes, fresh fruit, chicken, brown rice, beans, chili, lean turkey, omega 3 supplements (i don’t like fish), orange juice, pineapple juice, greek yogurt for probiotics, is there anything else I can add to this? What else does a body want for absolute health and efficiency?


What is the truth about dairy? Please correct me if my take on it is wrong.

I take it that dairy initially being unhealthy, is a myth, but that needing dairy for calcium is unhealthy. You have plenty of other ways to get calcium.

If you choose small amounts of dairy as a protein source, instead of drinking milk all day in place of vegetables for calcium, that’s fine, just like beans, eggs, or whatever protein source you choose instead of dairy if it’s not your thing would be fine too. It’s that we rely on dairy for the calcium, thanks to marketing, and don’t eat enough vegetables that it’s a problem. Am I correct?


I’m a college freshman trying to save money by going without a meal plan. However, because college is time-consuming (I’m a STEM major) I also want to save as much time as possible. Therefore, I have created this meal plan to save time and money by cooking once a week, freezing my food, and reheating whenever I need to eat. Thoughts? I know it’s boring, but at the very least am I getting enough nutrition to feel good in my day-to-day?


So I love apple cinnamon flavored instant oatmeal. I’ve tried to get into steal cut, rolled, and old fashion oats but no matter how I make it, I don’t enjoy it. What is the nutritional difference with respect to instant vs other varieties of oatmeal?


Hello everyone! I’m trying to set up MyFitnessPal as i’m getting ready to prepare for a half-marathon. While training for the half-marathon, I would like to try to build some muscle (basically lean bulk but not gain fat if that’s possible) by lifting weights. On average, currently my Garmin watch tells me I burn roughly 2,300-2,500 calories a day. I’m a 19 year old male at 5 foot 9 inches tall, and I weigh 145 lbs. I’m just confused as to what percentages Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrates should be, so I was wondering if anyone had an idea or recommendation? Thanks!!!


I’m a 6’4 male and naturally eat more than most people.Atleast that used to be the case, but since moving out of my parents house, I’ve started to eat about as much as a normal sized female.

I’m constantly hungry but I just can’t afford more food.I also think it’s probably bad to just eat the same thing, so I can’t just go buy a huge sack of potatoes and eat that every day.

I’m not sure what to do. I’m working full time, I can’t get another job and I’ve been looking but can’t find a new job with higher pay.I’m spending as much as I possibly can on my food, every last cent goes towards it but it’s not enough.

I’ve always been slim but it’s getting bad. My bones are starting to stick out everywhere.

What should I buy that’s cheap so I can pack in calories?


Since we’ve been having little sunlight lately I thought I would supplement my vitamin d intake by incorporating cremini mushrooms into my diet. I went on google to find that they have negligible amounts of vitamin d unless exposed to the sun. Is this true? I thought that button mushrooms become cremini due to sun exposure. Can anyone help me figure this out?


Sometimes I have this really strong craving for bland food like rice krispies, carrots, celery sticks, saltines, cottage cheese etc. I wouldn’t mind it if I just had a little snack but I get this itch and end up binge eating these “snacks.” In fact, I’m more likely to binge eat crackers than “normal” food or sweets. Although, my usual diet is full of more flavorful food and Mexican dishes. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know what might be causing this?


Is there an app or website that let’s you filter by food intolerances?

I have a list of foods to eliminate for 6 weeks before I see my doc again. The pattern does not follow the AIP guidelines. I am hoping to be able to re introduce these foods again. But for now, I am getting so bogged down in what I can’t ear I am having trouble figuring out what I can eat to keep a safe and healthy diet. (I will be seeing a nutritionist after my next doc appointment when we know the long term eliminations).

For the next 6 weeks I’m eliminating (based in medical advice)All grains (wheat, rice, oats, rye, etc)Peas, corn, potatoesCasin (whey is ok through)Egg white (yolk is ok)Kidney beansBrewers yeast (booze and dried fruit)Plums, oranges and cranberriesAnd limiting cane sugar


Do I have an eating disorder? My parents are convinced I do. I’m a 16yo, 167cm, 110lb male.

I tell my parents I eat a lot in the morning and just snack the rest of the day, thats why they don’t see me eat much but they think I’m starving myself when I’m basically never hungry and when I am ill just eat.

My eating habits are unusual but I don’t think they’re an eating disorder


Is it possible that my eating preferences changed from having little to no junk food for an extended period of time?

I didn’t go out to eat like a week and a half due to being sick and then dealing with back pain, so I just ate what my family had at home during that time. Today I went out to Dunkin for the first time in awhile and I didn’t end up really enjoy most of what I ordered. I still like soda but I think I’m losing my appetite for bagels and donuts.




My wife recently went to the doctor and her doctor was concerned about my wife’s weight.

My wife’s doctor told her that there is new science and that, “calories don’t matter anymore, it’s all about macros and micros.” I know I’ve seen macro calculators on stuff for when we tried Keto, but in the end I always thought eating at a caloric deficit would result in weight loss.

I’m willing to help my wife on this journey, I just don’t know where to start or if what my wife’s doctor says is true.


I eat a really clean diet 90% of the time and I’ve just recently started tracking all of my calories/macro/micronutrients in Cronometer. My diet has me hitting every single vitamin through whole foods. The only nutrient I keep coming up short on everyday is Omega 6. For example, yesterday I ate 2500 calories. I had a total fat intake of 83.3g, with 35.4 being mono, 15.2 being saturated and 15.1 being poly. I had 3.2g total of Omega-3’s which put me at 199% on the day and 11.8g of Omega-6’s which put me at 70% on the day. I understand the ratio is important which puts me at about a 1:3.7.

However, after doing this for a week it seems like every day I’m only hitting 60-80% Omega-6’s. Is this something I should eat more? If so, what kind of benefits will I see? Or am I potentially seeing negative effects from eating too little?


27, M, just done with 1 year of semi strict IF / OMAD to control calorie intake with a goal of caloric deficit in order to lose weight. End goal is visible abs (so around 12% BF) and overall fit appearance

Did not care for lean body mass or muscle, only to trim the fat.
At the time, I was doing around 2-4 HIIT exercises per week and usually an additional 1-2 chiller workouts/resistance/strength training (tried to diversify). I never took any measures - neither my weight nor my body’s dimensions. I simply went off by appearance and clothes’ sizing.


Started to incorporate weight lighting around 4 months ago, 2-3 times a week. Around a month ago, I’ve shifted towards heavier lifting for 4-5 times per week.


So now at this new gym I’m at, they measured me at 70.5 kg (145ish lbs) and 15.5% BF. The guide there recommended lifting heavy + moderate calorie surplus of around 2400-2700 calories (emphasis on protein intake - 1.6 per kg). She insisted that I will actually be losing BF % since I will be gaining relatively more muscle than fat this way, and it will be faster to achieve my ultimate goal of 12% BF.

Do you guys think I should follow her advice? I am hesitant… as a follower of CICO in addition to this past year of practicing IF, it’s mentally hard for me to actively pursuit a calorie surplus.


Hey there,I’m 20 years old, working out 5-6 times per week. In the last two weeks I’ve suffered from a lot of overeating(like 4 times per week). That resulted in gaining 2 kilos, but the worse part is that my appetite got bigger and my sweet tooth got triggered again. I really want to stop these binge eating moments and reduce my cravings as these are things I am struggling since a few years. Any thoughts or advice is welcome!P.S. If you need any more information about my diet, don’t hesitate to ask me!


Need nutritional advice.

I really want to turn my life around and begin workouts in the morning as I feel that would help me mentally throughout my day. My biggest barrier is that I need food in my belly or I will pass out (has happened a few times with strenuous exercise while hungry) - and I don’t want to be over full. I need a quick and easy routine breakfast that will carry me through a workout, and a portable option to supplement after the workout. I’m a 31 year old male ex-athlete who has ballooned to 230 lbs.

My thoughts are a bagel and spread with some fruit before, and a pre-made yogurt with berries and protein after. Will this be proper supplemental nutrition for what I plan on doing?


After a year of eating terribly and falling into bad habits, I’d like to set myself a goal for 2022 to improve my dietary intake (i.e. eating less processed foods, eating more fresh fruit and veg etc) so as to hopefully feel more energetic than I currently am, and to also feel better generally.

One part of that goal is that I would like to try, where possible, to purchase preservative free and additive free foods as I have heard much of the links between additives and preservatives with certain ailments (and I know for fact I generally eat way too much of them now).

What I was wondering, for those of you who eat (or mostly eat) preservative and additive free foods - did you notice any changes in your body, mood, energy etc?

Also, did it affect your food budget in that could you do a weekly shop for the same amounts or did it become noticeably more expensive?


I have switched to full vegetarian. I really have enjoyed the bean veggie stews I made with chickpeas and black eyed peas. However, the gas is terrible. Very uncomfortable feeling for the next day. Is there something I can eat with the stew or something I can put in it that will mitigate that somewhat?


Hi all, I apologize for the long post (I’m new to reddit and don’t quite know what I’m doing!) I am 20 years old and just had to stop playing college basketball due to injuries. I’ve gotten more serious about weight lifting and decided to bulk up. I’ve been following a push-pull-legs lifting plan 6 days a week. My lifts are about 75 minutes and fairly high intensity. I also do 10 minutes HIIT cardio 3 times per week (I know cardio is not the best for bulking but I need it to clear my head). I started 4 weeks ago at 195 lbs and about 5-7% body fat. I wasn’t quite sure what my calorie needs were because I was no longer training the same way I was when I was playing basketball (my maintain calories while playing was 5000 calories). Initially, I used the bulking recommendation from a TDEE calculator (4500 calories). Over the first two weeks at this calorie level I actually lost about 1/2 a pound. The third week I bumped by calories up to 4750 per day and also started a 20 gram per day creatine load. At the end of the week I had again gained no weight. I chose to bump my calories back to what my bulking calories were when I was still playing (5500). This morning when I did my weekly weight check, I was almost 200 lbs (an apparent 5 lb increase in a week). I’m rather confused and unsure how to proceed. Any thoughts or advice would be welcome!


Currently 21M 5’10 255 was always alot smaller was sitting around 180-200 pounds in highschool. I really want to get back to that weight / also get lean should i really be eating 200g of protein a day? Also any tips would be much appreciated

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