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Raw veggies vs Cooked veggies?

Hey guys I’ve been always wondering why gorillas having almost the same digestive system…

They have very big muscles and so strong and healthy eating ONLY RAW VEGGIES AND FRUITS

Is it the fact we cook veggies makes it less nutritious?

Can we work out , eat like gorillas and get jacked?

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Foods that are healthier raw: Broccoli, Cabbage, Cucumber, Onions, Garlic, Green Peppers

Foods that are healthier cooked: Asparagus, Mushrooms, Spinach, Tomatoes, Carrots, Potatoes, Legumes



Gorillas have a very different digestive system and body shape. It’s the opposite: cooking veggies helps us extract more nutrients. If we ate like gorillas, we’d be malnourished.

I thought this article on how cooking food changed humans was fascinating: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-fire-makes-us-human-72989884/


Cooking will generally raise the glycemic index of a food and make it easier to digest so that you have a greater net caloric intake from eating cooked foods. Some nutrients (i.e. vitamin E and C) are destroyed by heat. Probably many others that science hasn’t found out yet. Some nutrients (i.e. lycopene) are enhanced by heat. Also not alone, many other nutrients share this property. At the end of the day, if a food tastes good raw, eat it raw; if not, cook it and eat it. Just get them in your belly and worry about the minor stuff later. Veggies, especially leafy greens are nutrient powerhouses and host a plethora of health benefits.


Depends on the vegetable and method of cooking. Raw is not always better. Cooking can increase some nutrients and make the vegetables easier to digest, which means you absorb more of the good stuff. Overcooking can break down some nutrients. I wouldn’t worry too much about it and just eat your veggies however you prefer them. (unless you are frying them in oil).

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