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Reducing water intake to lose faster

What would be the best way to still get all of my electrolytes in without consuming too much water? I started a fast losing about 1.5 lbs per day and now I’m down to losing less than 1 lb per day and it’s pissing me off. Would reducing water intake actually force the body to pull the water from the fat stores as Cole claims? Do I still need a certain amount of water per day? How much would be the bare minimum I could get away with drinking? I’m sick of being fat and I want this off.

Been drinking 2L snake juice per day. Only snake juice, no additives or anything, no gum, no bs, just snake juice. The whole thing with the baking soda and everything, minus the borax. I take a multivitamin randomly every few days if I feel like it. 31 days on a fast. Energy level is perfectly fine, metabolism is not crashed, getting decent sleep, feel alright.

Stats: 6’00”, Male, 255 lbs, Goal weight 180, lifestyle sedentary, 25 years old

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You want to lose fat, not temporary water. Having dumped a lot of water and inflammation now you are down to losing more fat, it slows down. You did not get fat overnight and you need to take time to learn new habits so you won’t get fat again. What are you doing to work on the sedentary part? Cole says to drink plain water too, esp important now that it is summer.


Yup, that was it. Reduced water intake significantly. Forgot that you can gauge level of hydration by looking at the color of urine. Barely had anything to drink all day and I’m still urinating clear white. Put all of my electrolytes in about 600 ml of water and been sipping on that all day to get electrolytes in. Will add more water when the color of urine starts to turn. Going to try to keep it slightly above yellow as close to clear as I can.

I know I’ve been losing fat, just haven’t urinated the water all out yet. Down 2.6 lbs of excess water since the past day. I’m guessing I have another 8-10 lbs of water weight that needs to be dropped if it follows along with my previous track of loss. I will try to keep electrolytes to a 600ml solution per day and supplement water as the color moves toward a yellow from clear white.


Start exercising drink water if you feel thirsty. I tend drink my 2L of snake juice throughout the day. If I exercise at midday I drink a little plain water after. I also drink a little 1st thing in the morning or before bed. Other than that I stick to snake juice. If I feel really thirsty I’ll drink water. Regarding exercising while fasting I’ve been doing cardio, boxing and mainly kettlebells for strength and had no major issues.

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