| | Water Fasting

Reflections and notes on Fasting for a week *(19 Pound lost)*

Hello Everyone, Just wanted to add my experience of doing a fast for a week. Starting weight was 325lbs and the ending weight was 306lbs.

The first three days were a breeze to get through, day 4 was okay. by day 5, the hunger was too much for me, but I managed to pull through it. Days 6 and 7 were rough as I got tired of drinking water and refused to drink any more of it. The water would make me Nauseous. In Hindsight I should probably have stopped there but I managed to make it to the end.

Refeeding time: I ended up breaking my fast with a bone broth as everyone suggested. About an hour later I had a boiled egg with some avocado and a small piece of salmon. Probably the wrong move as I became instantly light-headed and weak. Went out and bought some electrolytes and they made me feel better! The next day I just had broth with boiled vegetables and they went down fine. The following day I was able to eat some chicken and rice and feel okay. Today Day 4 I feel good to eat at a regular capacity.

Notes: Today I weighed myself and unfortunately I weight 317lbs. I honestly don’t know how I put the weight on so fast. I probably ate a lot on the referring. Drinking electrolytes is important.


The mental clarity I got from fasting was insane and my mood was better. Fasting for a week is a challenge but I think I’m better suited for a shorter fast. Probably won’t try this again for a while. Fasting is great but I don’t think it fixes my relationship with food. I like to overeat and It’s usually not healthy food either. That’s a key area I need to work on, otherwise ill be stuck in an endless cycle.

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325 to 319 is very significant fat loss for just one week. Be mindful that the bulk of what you lose when starting a fast is water weight. I don’t see anything to be discouraged by here and well done.

At a starting weight of 325, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Be mindful of that and set expectations accordingly to keep up the progress.

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