| | Water Fasting

Reintroducing of food after a fast

I´ve been dry fasting for 36 hours and then I continued 72 more hours of water fasting. The first and the last day were the hardest. My question is, is it normal that I have crazy cravings for sugar after the fast? I tried to stay away from it, but then I couldn’t and binged (on a low scale though) on sugar.

How can I deal with those cravings in future fasts?

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Sugar cravings are a symptoms of dehydration so I would say that’s normal. I’m 60h into a dry fast and crazing sugar. I watched cupcake mukbangs for like 40 minutes yesterday.

“A lack of fluid intake can make it more difficult for the body to metabolize glycogen (stored glucose) for energy, so our bodies crave sugar to provide us with a quick source of energy when we actually just need to drink a little more water.”


Videos and book on dangers of sugar:

Pure white and deadly - John Yudkin 



doctorklaper.com - why to limit simple sugars: 



Sugar - The bitter truth



When you fast you lose electrolytes(salts) quickly.

Our body will crave sweets when electrolytes are becoming imbalanced.

Once you start eating, drink plenty of water with electrolytes = This is how you rehydrate. Plain water may just dehydrate you even further.

If you don’t understand electrolytes go to /r/keto and read their FAQ about electrolytes. When you fast you enter ketosis much faster and the whole process is accelerated by a lot more.


If you get your electrolytes in order your cravings will come down.

And when you eat, make sure you eat 2x the salt you usually put on your food. It should be tasty to you now because of the electrolyte imbalance. I recommend high fat refeed and no carbs. I notice that any amount of carbs will double my hunger and craving, this will probably make sense to you. So have more salt and that will satisfy you.


Try just eating fruit. It will taste amazing since you haven’t eaten in days. You will appreciate it way more and it tastes like candy. It is also super easy to digest so great for coming off a fast. The juicier the better (watermelon, grapes, pineapple, berries, etc).

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Categories: a fast dry fasting water fasting sugar binge dry fast glucose energy electrolytes keto ketosis carbs fruit digest grapes