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Repeated dry fasting

Hi everyone. I just finished a 67 hr dry fast and decided to break it yesterday because I was feeling really sluggish and had to be able to work and get my kids to soccer and other activities. I am a little less than 24 hrs from when I broke the fast and I am feeling great today. When is it safe to start on another dry fast? Does anyone have experience with doing shorter rolling dry fasts? Is it beneficial to do a 3 day dry and then take a few days off and then begin again? I have read Dr. finlov’s book where they mention cascade dry fasting. 1 day on 1 day off 2 days on 2 days off and so on. I just wanted to get some input from anyone who has done dry fasting and how long it’s necessary to wait before I begin again. The first two days were easy, but the third day I was exhausted. I know this is probably normal for someone just starting on dry. I have done several water only fasts but I am really looking to heal an old knee injury, improve my skin and get rid of a lump that I have had on one of my fingers for about a years. It does appear that the lump shrank a little in just the 67 hr fast. Any input or others experiences would be greatly appreciated.

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I was just looking at the Schennikov’s website and he has a “System Reboot” fasting program which is advertised as follows: 3 days DF + 3 days on spring water and medical grade mineral water + 3 days DF + 2 days “refeeding” on water, mineral water, juices, vegetables and fruits.

I’m currently on day 4 of DF (91h). I plan to continue as a WF for another 6 days, for the total of 10. But I like Schennikov’s schedule and I want to try in June. I know that Filonov doesn’t recommend going from dry to water, <<<sorry, I misstyped: he doesn’t recomend Wet to Dry>>>> but I have read some of Schennikov’s books and I do like his vibe. His clinic had decades of DF experience.

\>>Edit: my thoughts here were that with this combo of dry + water + dry + refeed the second dry segment follows a wet segment, which is wet to dry and this is what Filonov doesn’t recommend<<

I won’t have access to really good mineral water though, as I’m in a small town. If you are in a big city in the US you can probably get what he recommends in European / Russian stores. It is called Narzan and it is very popular in Russia.

HTH! Good luck with your fasts and healing!

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Categories: dry fasting dry fast sluggish mineral refeeding fruit