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Requesting advice

Hello ,

I am a male human and i need to save some money because i have a lot of debt and drug problems and people are looking for me would it be okay to dry fast for 30 days just till i get my salary while just going to work (i work in construction btw). I am also obese with a bmi of 50. I also suffer from chronic pain and immuno deficiency and i have narcolepsy and MDS and liver cirrhosis . Thanks

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i am sure you have access to water even being broke. 30 days water fast is a piece of cake. especially with the strong motivation like yours. first 3 days are hell but from there it starts to ease up. after a week to 10 days you are in the zone. most likely you gonna be slower and weaker at work. gonna get lightheadedness here and there. but otherwise you gonna be fine. or you can kick off with 3 days dry fast to drop into fat burning faster and then transition to water fast.

if you havent been able to kick drug habits then even a week of dry is another planet for you. there is not many things that require as much determination and discipline. i have done plenty of all kind of fasts and drugs. trust me.


As a former drug user myself, I urge you not to dry fast while actively addicted. You’re going to send your body in shock and likely dump a bunch of toxins while simultaneously pouring more in. Try and ween off them man. Life is so much better sober. Worship God and follow Christ.


I think you meant water fasting? If so, yes you can easily do 30 days without food since you stated you are obese.

Dry fasting is the most advanced, intense form of healing. It is supposed to be done under very careful conditions with lots of rest. You have a physical job in construction plus you are obese so that could stress the body too much.

Stick with water fasting over the 30 days.

For your drug problems look up FasterEFT on youtube. A simple but powerful way to get rid of you mental and physical drug addiction.

Good luck


No offense, but if you have no dry fasting experience, it is likely you won’t even make it a few days. Dry fasting is hard and 30 days? Very few people have made it so long. I would recommend water fasting in your case but keep in mind it’s easy to say you’re going to do these things versus the actual discipline.

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