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Rolling 48/72's vs OMAD Keto and hitting the gym

So currently ive been playing around with range of different fasting times and periods to try and find the sweet spot between doing longer then 24hr fasts (48/72’s) with rolling OMAD keto in-between vs being on a strictly OMAD keto diet 7 days a week while working out pretty hard. I was just wondering if anyone else has been in this situation of trying decide between the two and if they saw any dramatic difference between the two plans be it on a long term basis or shorter term basis.

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The longer rolling fasts will be better (faster) for fat loss. If your workout is lifting weights, then the omad + gym will be better for growing muscle (although that may be limited depending on how much caloric deficit). Don’t count on exercise to accelerate fat loss that much. Diet is the main driver of fat gain and loss.

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