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Rolling 48s: Keto or „Regular“ Refeed?

Currently doing rolling 48s. It’s going great. I do Keto redress of roughly 1500kcal. I’m 1,9m and at 84.7kg and workout, therefore the high calories, makes it sustainable for me.

During my redress I really crave some carbs. Can somebody tell me if eating carbs (potatoes, rice, bread) would affect my results?

I would get kicked out of ketosis, so would reentering ketosis each time maybe affect the amount of muscle I sustain?

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I used to do rolling 96s. After I have been bulking for a bit I’m doing a cut and I find Alternate day fasting is not only effective, but is very easy to adhere to. On eating days I eat breakfast and dinner to space out protein distribution which the science has shown helps muscle protein synthesis. (Which I know isn’t going to be optimal on a cut in the first place). Anyway.. my answer is…

Do whatever is easier for you to adhere to. I used to be “fast as long as you can”.. but in the end whatever is going to be bulletproof in your ability to not go backwards on that’s going to be the best in the long run.

If you’re trying to weight lift I would recommend carbs but it’s depending on your goals because if you aren’t trying to build or maintain muscle keto might make you less hungry and therefore even easier to adhere to. If you are trying to cut and you weight train, again, I recommend protein distribution throughout the day like a breakfast and dinner scenario instead of 1hr refeed. Carbs are not going to offset your progress calories being equated.

P.s do not weight train on fasting days. This might be obvious to you but it wasn’t to me when I started. Weight training breaks down muscle, without protein to repair that muscle you are working backwards by training on fasting days.


Having had a lot of experience with rolling 48s and 72s, I actually find it advantageous to have carbohydrates on refeeds other than the rebound hunger. If you can manage and control that, I don’t see any need to remain in ketosis 100% of the time.

For whatever it’s worth, the longer I do rolling fasts without carbs, my body temp progresses lower than normal. As soon as I refeed carbs, it goes back to normal. I think it may be related to thyroid function. YMMV


  1. Eat carbs after workout, 2. Start with small quantity then gradually increase carbs while measuring ur ketones using the keto diastick, u will find ur sweet spot. I workout 4-5 days a week while fasting and keto diet, but some days I go up a big cup full of rice and even that won’t throw me out of keto.


1500 cal is not a lot on keto if you’re working out. Eat what your macros recommends on refeed days.The less calories you eat the less and slower you will lose. If you’re not keto adapted I wouldn’t keep going in and out of ketosis by eating carbs. This will stall your weight loss and your body will start creating a set point.

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