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Rolling 72s experience for females

Hi everyone, first time ever posting on Reddit so go easy on me please. 😅 I was wondering if any females with similar stats as me had success with rolling 72s and what the timeline of loss looked like/any tips/etc. my refeed would be an hour long with carbs typically under 60g (I’m vegetarian). 5’3 sw: 161 gw: 125 and I’m lightly active. Looking forward to hearing responses! :)

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Only replying as a male because you havent had a response yet.

Anyway, fasting for males and females doesnt differ much. The fat loss happens regardless but for ovulating women, they may see less weight (emphasis on weight loss, as fat loss is still occuring) drops during menstruation because of water retention.


I didn’t have a good experience. I did rolling 72s for a month last year. I lost about 10 pounds that month! I was fine during but thought I should take a break so I don’t lose too quickly. After the break I dreaded fasting. After that my hormones shifted so I was hungry all the time, once I started eating I couldn’t stop, was thinking about sweets a lot. My weight rebounded and I gained weight (the 10+20 more) really quickly in the 6 months that followed.

Since June I have been doing OMAD and gym. Weight comes off about a pound a week but it is really easy, enjoyable and my appetite seems to be shifting where I can eat a few squares of chocolate and be good. Never been that way before so it is very exciting progress for me

I hope you have a better experience!


Hi there! Welcome… I personally would not start with a 72 hour fast. I personally started with time restricted feeding during the day 18:6 then 16:8 and so on, even one meal a day etc.. or alternate day fasting. I am getting back into it now and struggling so just doing low carb/keto and early time restricted feeding which I have never done before (last meal no later than 2pm) to adapt slowly. The early time restricted feeding is giving me great results including my sleep. Look up Satchin Panda on YouTube. He is a Circadian Biologist/researcher from the Salk Institute. Excellent information for overall health, not just weight loss.

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