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rolling or extended?? that is the question


In general i have been eating keto-ish for a while now. In mid January I did a 90hour+fast. . .basically dinner on Sunday until dinner on Thursday. The next week I did the same. It was hard, but fine. . . my weight dropped, then I gained a bit back and then i basically started again. Then last week I tried to do rolling 48s. . . so it was Sunday dinner until Tuesday dinner and then it was hard to start again so I ended up eating dinner on Wednesday and then again on Thursday. Then it was my son’s birthday this weekend, so i said screw it, but as I started to eat kind of anything i felt starving. . . like I could not get enough. Anyway, that was a terrible bump up in weight (i know mostly water, but some real weight to for sure.

Anyway, I ate dinner Sunday night and then restarted. . . Yesterday( Monday) was fine (water, black coffee, tea). . . my question is what is really a better plan to execute LONGER or rolling fasts?

I also seem to have a terrible dump syndrome situation so I need to be strategic about when I eat. . . TMI (for sure) but if i am in the 18+ hours of fasting and I eat I need to be near a bathroom within the hour. I have tried the avocado then wait an hour then some lightly cooked veggies, then wait and a piece of chicken. . . NOPE. . . last week rice helped, but then I feel like i am un-keto right off the fast, which saves me stomach problems, but I am not sure helps with the goal.

I do have a lot of weight to lose so I feel like I need to repeat the same plan weekly… I’m just not sure which plan

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The most effective protocol is the one that is easiest for you based on what you like and your lifestyle. Making your fasts and your diet harder than they need to be are just a recipe for unsustainability.

Don’t be in any great hurry. Try OMAD for a month, eat clean but plenty, and don’t worry about the scale on a daily basis. What you want is to make those clean eating habits stick even when you are not fasting.


I’ve done extended fasting, including a 27 day period where I only ate two salads. I’ve also done Rolling 48’s for 120 days straight (mostly). In my opinion, rolling fasts are far superior. So much easier, and the steady weight loss is impressive.


Like unlucky clock says, the plan thats right for you is probably whichever is sustainable long term! Fasting usually sheds the weight, well, fast… but still you’ll be at it for a while and don’t want to burn out too quickly. The nice thing about fasting is that its soo flexible and can range from intermittent to extended or rolling fasts. All are effective and whatever fits in best with your lifestyle and goals is what you should go for.

Personally I started with IF alongside keto and it worked great! Highly recommend it if youre starting out, especially if you have bathroom issues on longer fasts. I got a lot healthier doing that then naturally transitioned to OMAD for a while and saw serious weight loss. Now that I’m getting closer to goal I’m more interested in autophagy so do 2-3 day fasts every fortnight, with plenty of IF in between. Super sustainable, and I think building healthy eating habits with keto + IF at the beginning was key for me and will help me keep off the weight long term.

Just saying you don’t have to jump right into extended fasting or rolling 48s. Do what feels right and sustainable for your body now, and you can always take it up a level later! 🙂

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Categories: keto dinner coffee tea bathroom chicken stomach protocol omad habits extended fasting weight loss intermittent 3 day fast