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saturate fat unhealthy but coconut is saturated fat as well as plant based?

so is coconut something we should avoid or what

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Here’sthe American Heart Association’s Presidential Advisory Committee’s review of the research on saturated fats.

Here’s the section on coconut fat:

“Coconut OilA recent survey reported that 72% of the American public rated coconut oil as a “healthy food” compared with 37% of nutritionists.94 This disconnect between lay and expert opinion can be attributed to the marketing of coconut oil in the popular press. The fatty acid profile of coconut oil is 82% saturated, about half lauric acid, and the rest myristic, palmitic, stearic, and short-chain fatty acids (Table). Lauric acid replacing carbohydrates increases LDL cholesterol but by about half as much as myristic and palmitic acids (Figure 5, right). Lauric acid increases HDL cholesterol about as much as myristic but more than palmitic acid. The net effect of increasing lauric acid and decreasing carbohydrates is a slight reduction in the ratio of LDL cholesterol to HDL cholesterol. However, as discussed earlier in this report, changes in HDL cholesterol caused by diet or drug treatments can no longer be directly linked to changes in CVD, and therefore, the LDL cholesterol–raising effect should be considered on its own. Furthermore, with respect to CVD, the informative comparison is between coconut oil and vegetable oils high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. A carefully controlled experiment compared the effects of coconut oil, butter, and safflower oil supplying polyunsaturated linoleic acid.95 Both butter and coconut oil raised LDL cholesterol compared with safflower oil, butter more than coconut oil, as predicted by the meta-regression analysis of individual dietary saturated fatty acids (Figure 5, right). Another carefully controlled experiment found that coconut oil significantly increased LDL cholesterol compared with olive oil.96 A recent systematic review found 7 controlled trials, including the 2 just mentioned, that compared coconut oil with monounsaturated or polyunsaturated oils.97 Coconut oil raised LDL cholesterol in all 7 of these trials, significantly in 6 of them. The authors also noted that the 7 trials did not find a difference in raising LDL cholesterol between coconut oil and other oils high in saturated fat such as butter, beef fat, or palm oil. Clinical trials that compared direct effects on CVD of coconut oil and other dietary oils have not been reported. However, because coconut oil increases LDL cholesterol, a cause of CVD, and has no known offsetting favorable effects, we advise against the use of coconut oil.”


Dietetics student here. Saturated fat is not unhealthy. It isn’t healthy either. It’s about moderation. Most health problems with saturated fats occur when there’s excessive body weight (mostly body fat), numerous big studies exist that show this correlation, because food high in saturated fat often lack protein and fiber and let’s be honest, it tastes amazing. That’s one of the reason that saturated fats are being labelled as bad, because food high in protein and fiber are more filling and prevent overfeeding that causes weight gain. On the other hand unsaturated fats are for sure a better choice. Any type of fatty acids we consume is later being used in many places in our body. One of them is as a part of our cell membranes. They don’t have simple (but double) bonds in their molecule, and that makes them “connect” harder because they don’t form a straight line like saturated fats. That means that the more saturated fats you consume and less unsaturated fats the “thicker” your cell membranes will be and vice versa. So the point here is that unsaturated fats make cell membranes more “fluid” which prevents conditions like atherosclerosis. Again, eating saturated fats isn’t the devil, but there are better choices. If eating saturated fats make you sustain a balanced diet then stick to it, as long as your lifestyle and health are fine, there is no reason demonising specific food categories (same goes for sugar for carb haters).


It’s because the fitness and nutrition industry like to spin their wheels. Its the same “Meat is bad”, ‘Saturated fat is bad”, “salt is bad” type of bullshit people peddle but remember “sugar is fine in moderation” whatever that means. Yet most cuts ain’t that high.

Well forget how avocados are high in it, coconut, most nuts, etc.

Meanwhile foods like eggs, butter and meat ain’t really that high in it at all, intact I was surprised to learn that grass-fed butter is higher in omega 3:6 ratio so it may even provide benefits along side the fats having debated brain benefits.

Assuming it’s not from processed food and it’s coming from high quality whole foods. Saturated fat poses no threat, maybe in some weird rare cases or if you’re getting it from shit sources or have a crap diet.

“Don’t blame X for what the sugar did” as James Dinic says.


Saturated fatty acids are harmful to health. Raises cholesterol, leads to cardiovascular diseases…

They are mainly found in animal foods, but can also be found in plant foods - coconut oil (coconut) and palm oil. Although these are plant sources, this does not change their harmfulness and they should be consumed sparingly.

It’s fine to have something with coconut or coconut oil, but it’s definitely not a good idea to substitute all oil with it (rapeseed oil is much better), in short, it shouldn’t be a big part of your diet but moderation consumption is fine.


Lmao,wow. Can’t believe People still buy into the saturated fat is bad thing. I had crazy high triglycerides and Cholesterol and went lazy as sh!t Keto and My numbers are the best they have ever been since I had Labs done 15 years ago. I eat half dozen eggs a day and 2 bricks of cream cheese. Alot of regular cheese. 3 tbls ,around of coconut oil and MCT oil. As long as You don’t eat high carbs Your body gets in order. Please research thoroughly for Yourself and don’t just listen to People. Whoever they are. Just an FYI alot of doctors just copy and paste the same bs that’s been handed down since the beginning. The whole saturated fat thing is from a WELL KNOWN very flawed and biased report from decades ago.


Hi there.

I coconut oil is great for your skin, and hair. Of course the best way to get your fats are from whole food sources.

It is better to eat the coconut, olives, nuts, and avocados, than to refine the energy, and separate the lipids from what makes the food healthy in the first place.

I don’t think you have to be neurotic, avoidant or fearful, it should come down to informed choice, and critical thinking.

If you believe saturated fats raise your lipid panel, and are a causal risk for metabolic disorders like diabetes, and heart disease, then yes.. you will want to limit consumption or avoid it, or something.

I am tired, and have a headache, so ima keep this short. If you need mechanistic data, or studies, i can provide them on request.

All the best with your health goals.


Saturated fat isn’t actually bad for you. The guy who came up with the theory that fat is bad for you just destroyed the career of anyone that tried to study any alternate hypothesis while telling the public he was 100% correct.

Really shouldn’t have given him a high profile job after one flawed study. Specifically the 7 counties study if you want to read up on that.


not only is it saturated fat - it’s almost completely made up of the “bad” type of saturated fat, health wise, it’s worse than the fat in steak, for instance.

i dont understand why it would differ just because it’s a plant


All I know is I am sick of coconut showing up in everything. My allergy ridden life has been dealt another blow by Kleenex using coconut as it’s moisturizing ingredient, having switched away from aloe Vera. Thanks Kleenex brand, now I get to look like Rudolph all year round.

I am allergic to coconut and that s* is popping up everywhere and I am so, so, tired of it. I have to start checking labels of everything I eat just to make sure I don’t accidentally poison myself.

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