| | Water Fasting

semi hard dry fast, no brushing teeth = deeper healing

my longest dry fast is 7 days. i was showering and brushing teeth.

recently I finished a 24 dry fast where the only contact with water was showering or hand washing. not brushing teeth definitely felt like day4 of a dry fast.

so for those who have trouble fasting beyond your current personal record, try avoiding brushing your teeth. intentional nose breathing and jogging for sure get you deeper into autophagy.

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Besides the psychological part, I wonder how a hard dry fast (no contact with water) is supposed to be more effective than a regular dry fast.

Water doesn’t penetrate your body when you take a shower or brush your teeth. Otherwise, we could live without ever drinking, by simply taking long enough baths every few days. Which isn’t the case as far as I know.

As a side note, jogging probably doesn’t trigger autophagy (not the type we’re looking for, at least).It triggers tissue reparation, since jogging (or any physical activity, for that matter) destroys tissue on a micro level.

Jogging burns some fat, sure. But it doesn’t mean that it will help your body to target toxins and deprecated cells (the type of deep autophagy many people are aiming for).If anything, it may distract your body to do so, because it’s simply busy healing the damages caused by the act of jogging


ya what I’ve learned from fasting the past 10 years, it takes a lot of self reflection to first become aware of the ego dependence on whichever you lean towards and second which some of you might already know about is the large influence the world has onto the psyche.

whether the influence is sound, something visual, different aromas, basically anything that triggers the senses including the telepathic ones, until we do something to “unplug” from these factors, we are not perceiving the honest real self. in the case of teeth brushing, water has a mind of its own.

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