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Sharing inspiration.

Hi it’s me again, just wondering if anyone out there is around 40, female with kids who can share some inspiration that this works, so I can share it with my wife? It’s been a week and a half, and even though I can already see changes happening for her. She is under the impression that IF it not going to work… please help.

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Yes it works!! F49 with kids here. I have been doing it for 2 months, lost 15 lbs (I intentionally don’t go faster), and feel great. I had a surprising NSV yesterday, when I put on pants that I couldn’t close previously, and now not only closed them but needed a belt to hold up 😊. Ask away.


I’d love to hear her progress! I’m a 38 year old mom that needs to get my crap together! Tomorrow I’ll be starting (or actually tonight). I’ve done it before but for a very short period…then I let the weekends screw me up!


Im 47F w/ 2 teenage kids. I have done 16/8 IF for 5mo and have lost 28lbs so far. The first few weeks of it SUCKED! I felt miserable and kind of sick and sluggish, but then my body adjusted and it got so much easier.

Encourage her to stick with it a little longer and she will get through that first tough wall! Good luck!


If your wife wants someone to talk to or ask questions, I’d be happy to chat :-) I’m 44F with four kids ages 14 to 4, and I’ve been doing IF for three years now. After the first month, I lost 4.2 lbs, with no calorie counting. I also have a wicked sweet tooth and have still eaten dessert regularly while doing IF.

Since I started, I’ve lost a total of 36 lbs and am now at my pre-pregnancy weight—i.e. my weight 15 years ago! The last 5 lbs have been the peskiest, so the last couple months, I shifted gears to also counting calories and limiting refined carbs to get to my goal weight. Now that I’m there, I’m back to having dessert every couple days. 😍


I’m a 40 year old mom with 2 teenage boys at home. I’ve been intermittent fasting for over a year and lost 45 lbs. I still have more to go. I’ve done mostly 16:8 with some 24+ fasts about once a month. I feel so much better physically and my sleep has improved. I’ve also noticed improvements with my skin. I’ve been lucky to have a supportive spouse and kids.

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