| | Water Fasting

Shit myself (sorta) on the way to work, 30 mins after breaking a 54 hour fast (nsfw)

I’ve been doing 36 hour fasts semi regularly and really notice a big difference in how I feel, especially pertaining to inflammation. I Just spent the holidays back home and ate pretty poorly during my stay, so I wanted to try and get a 72 hour fast in so I could reset my gut, and establish healthy eating habits for the new year. I made it to about 54 hours, I was super dizzy and had to head into work, so I called the fast at 54 hours (my longest to date) and then prepped some Kim chi with a couple fried eggs. I felt restored after 20 mins and got ready to leave for work. It’s about a 30 minute walk and about 3 mins from the door. I hear a little far coming so I brace myself only to feel hot liquid running down my gooch and leg. Oof. I hobbled to work and luckily had a chance of clothes. I’m sitting on the toilet now expelling a frothy mix of watery poop, globe of gummy mucous stuff and lots of liquid. I don’t have a second change of clothes so I’m trying to figure out how to proceed on this. Wish me luck!

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Fasting and sharting go hand in hand. Gotta be careful because there’s so many mistakes to be made. Once i was fasting and was consuming too much salt water. I went on a run, and i exploded. Luckily i hid myself between some trees and used leaves to wipe which then gave me an itchy sensation. I learned my lesson. Always pre plan because when you play with your body, it retaliates.

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