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Should I dry fast for a sore throat (common cold)?

Somehow I never got sick all of last year (on and off fasting) but this year I haven’t fasted a single day. So this year I got a sore throat 2 days ago and it was painful yesterday. Yesterday night I tried to sleep with a thick jacket and 2 warm blankets and although it was tough to fall asleep, eventually I did. However I wake up today and I don’t feel any better or worse.

Usually when I get the common cold, it takes me about 1-2 weeks to recover 95% (maybe have some slight cough and phlem) so its a bit slow. This has been like this my whole life having a normal diet (no fasting). My parents seem to recover much more quickly than I do and they don’t fast. So this time, I’m considering taking the risk of attempting to starve out the cold to speed up recovery.

I know that you should starve out bacteria and feed a virus, but I’m not sure which is the case here. I feel like I’m taking a risk potentially worsening my health or even dying if I dry fast a sore throat that’s viral, but on the other hand, maybe it actually works and helps me recover faster

Should I dry fast for a sore throat or not?

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Do not dry fast for an particular symptom. Pretty much all symptoms are the result of our vital healing capacity being impaired for whatever reason. Dry fasting greatly increases our healing capacity. And from what I get from August Dunning’s The Phoenix Protocol, we shouldn’t dry fast when we are sick. But I could be wrong about that. I strongly recommend his book.

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