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Should I start a 18:6? More information below

I’m an 18 year old male, 6’, 230 pounds. I’m in college, so it’s very difficult to simply change my diet and eat healthier, since money is a problem and I can’t cook on my own in my dorm. So I’ve considered intermittent fasting. I want to drop to maybe 200 or so, at least as a good starting point. I’m thinking of combining this with OMAD, but I’ve heard people say that it’s not a healthy idea to do that. Any advice for a beginner?

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Start with 16:8 and when you’re comfy push it a few hours to 18:6. Eventually you will get used to it and the hunger will subside. I do 18-21 hour fasts now and feel great. It took me a week to get used to it

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