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Should I worry about not pooping for a couple days?

I’ve done water fasting for 7 days before, and I usually go to the bathroom for the first 3 days. But what about dry fasting? I will probably not poop if I don’t drink water. Is it okay? I’m going to do a 5 day dry fast, but worried about letting food rotten in the body.

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I just finished my last dry fast and I went to the bathroom every day for the first 4 days. After that I was pretty much empty. 🙃Just remember that you are supposed to be fully hydrated prior to your fast. I always drink enough to make sure of that and I think it helps.If you feel uncomfortable though, just refeed, drink enough and repeat. I do always tell people to make sure they get to poop prior to the dry fast. By experience it says something if you are enable to poop after your last meal and drinking window.


My experience is that I’ll stop pooping, but I’ll still do lite watery diarrhea. When fasting, I always sit down to pee in case there’s something to poop. My advice is to do the same. Don’t strain, trying to poop what isn’t there. Just sit down when you pee, so when your body relaxes, it has the option to poop.

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How are your bowel movements normally? Due to the medications I take, I’m usually on the constipated side. So, I have to make sure I have a bowel movement the day before I start a dry fast. I normally don’t poop during my dry fast because I have gut issues. Others may not experience that.


Don’t worry about that!

I did a 6 day dry fast, I pooped the first and second day, the rest of the days I only peed. Then, the second day of refeeding I started to poop normally, it was cool. I felt like dry fasting only stopped temporary the movement of poops along the intestintes. Don’t worry about having poop in the intestintes for a long time, the body is designed to handle that without issues. Remember that our ancestors lived with dry fasting probably every week. What is not good is to poop a lot everyday as some people are used to.

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Categories: poop water fasting bathroom dry fasting dry fast medication refeeding