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Should we weight train (light-to-moderate) for muscle sparing?

I’ve heard countering opinions on this subject.

But during fasts does it make sense to do light-to-moderate weight training? Main aim being to avoid muscle loss. Or should weight train only on refeeds.

I’ve lost some fat already ( 72’s etc ) , but also lost some muscle mass. Wondering if should include weight training on fasting days also.

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Remember that muscles need proteins to reform themselves since you’re creating micro tears when you weight train. Without you getting food it will have nothing to repair them with as a lot of fat is made up of carbs. Listen to what the guy said about doing it 3 hours before that way when you eat and rest your body can properly heal itself.


I have trained during long fasts (72s). It’s significantly harder as you feel weaker.

I cut back on the volume and intensity. Went from a 5x5 routine to a 3x3.Even then it was tough. Make sure you keep up with your electrolytes.

Just remember, the goal is different. You are trying to preserve muscle. Not build it.

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