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Does not being able to sleep when fasting resolve with more practice ? I literally get zero sleep if I try a anything more than 24 hours ?

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In my experience yes.

In the beginning I used to struggle to fall asleep but after a few fasts I started really enjoying my fasted sleeps (always the best night of the week.

I have just finished a four day fast and slept like a baby every night.


Yes! This used to happen to me, even doing everything right. Now I notice no difference between sleeping normally versus when fasting. I’ve been fasting for 2 years, everyday 8-9 hours and several 3-4 day fasts throughout the years.


Do you drink caffeine?

Fasting will elevate your cortisol (STRESS HORMONE).

So does coffee. So together, they’ll multiply each other’s effects on stress/alertness.

I have to cut caffeine by 70% while fasting to manage heart-rate/stress/sleep even though some people are wildly insensitive and claim to drink tons of black coffee while fasting and somehow not end up with tachycardia and heart palpitations.


I found when I started taking electrolytes even on shorter fasts (24-72hr) I stopped having this problem. I personally use FastFuel because it’s pre-made salt/potassium/magnesium, it would be cheaper to mix yourself but I’m lazy haha.

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Categories: sleep struggle 4 day fast cortisol stress coffee heart electrolytes potassium magnesium