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Slow weight loss rolling fasts of 5 days

A bit of info about me: Female 29 5’6 SW 222lb cw165 Started keto in April and starting fasting in august in conjunction with keto. Started with 24, 48, and worked my way up to 5 days. Lost a ton of weight august to end of September (190 to 178lb) So this month I decided to do 5 day rolling fasts,followed by 4 day rolling fasts November, 3 day December etc. I’ve noticed however my weight loss has slowed down significantly even with 5 days rolling fasts. The pattern goes as follows: lose maybe 2lb end of fast, keto refeed making sure I’m following my deficit and weighing what I eat, will gain 2lbs water weight next day. Will lose the water weight I gained by day 3 of fast, and then maybe a pound or 2 after. Would the slow loss be because I slowed my metabolism down (I know some ppl say it’s a myth), or if it’s because my body is used to fasting? According to the bmi im only 1.6 over the overweight but according to the body fat calculator i have 35% body fat which is a lot therefore I know I can safely continue these fasts and expect to see results?

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I think you’re looking at your weight loss over too short a time frame. There’s too much fluctuation in water retention due to the way fat comes out of the cells to really worry about it like that. You can check your weight as much as you like, but don’t pay too much attention to the data points, chart the trend over time and see what that shows.


I was listening to one of the obesity code podcasts this week and heard something that got my attention. With fasting, women tend to loose inches more than weight. One reason is that we react more to the growth hormone triggered when fasting. Our bones become more dense and our muscles grow. Both things are highly beneficial to our health. Don’t focus on the scale so much. Pay attention to how your clothes fit, maybe start measuring. And, be sure to feast when you are not fasting!

Edit because spelling is hard.


When fasting like this you should not be eating at a deficit. You should be eating at maintenance levels. I honestly wouldn’t even track. Just eat whole foods until satisfied sticking to 2-3 meals to make sure you’re getting enough nutrients and calories. You also have to know that the more weight you lose the slower you will lose.

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