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Slurred Speech

I’ve done one 82 hour fast, one 45 and I’m currently starting another 72. I’m only 16 hours in and I feel great but my speech is really slurred. I’ve had muscle cramps with the others that I fixed with upping electrolytes which I’m still drinking but I don’t understand the slurred speech. My focus and clarity of mind is better than it’s ever been but I sound like I’m drunk. I’m worried about people thinking I am drunk! Any clues why this is happening and what I can do about it?

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This is not normal and you should break your fast and get cleared by a doctor before starting another one.

edit - Turns out OP has an eating disorder and an alcohol addiction and recently relapsed womp womp


There are no stupid questions. If any metabolic pathway is sluggish towards raising your blood sugar via gluconeogenisis while fasting, this could result in low blood sugar. Your body is designed for homeostasis within a range. Here is an article about hypoglycemia. If you have even pre diabetes undiagnosed you could have fluctuations and slurred speech is a symptom. The best way to combat this for fasting is to monitor your blood sugar levels and reduce your carbs over time. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/11647-hypoglycemia-low-blood-sugar


I’m doing 23 to 24 hour fasts and I noticed I experienced confusion on my 2nd day at the 16 hour mark. It was lyrics to a song I was listening too. But even now I cannot recite those words. Weird as hell.

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