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So hungry during eating window

I’ve been consistently fasting for about a month - at least 16:8, but lately have been reaching 17 or 18 hours more and more.

My issue is not so much the fasting window as much as the feeding window - I’m so damn hungry throughout it! It feels like I’m eating more than I typically would in a day before IF (but maybe that’s in my head and I just didn’t realize how much I was eating before?)

I want to eat lunch and then not eat again until dinner, but it’s a constant struggle to not snack in between. I give in more than I’d like, which makes me feel crappy, and I know is hindering my weight loss progress. Did anyone else experience this when starting out? Did it level off?

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Sounds like you need less carbs and potentially more fat and proteins. Try eating more healthy fats likes nuts, avocados, Greek yogurt, cheese. Approx how many grams of fish are you eating ?How’s your sugar intake ? Also try to never break your fast with carbs only.


I’ve been experiencing the getting full quickly part too, and I’m like really hungry when I break my fast but like a plate in to eating and I’m getting full. But I’ve noticed that I’ve been eating fairly quickly so it could be that.


I know exactly what you mean. When I broke my fast a couple weeks ago on a Friday I just felt so ravenous and went out for dinner, a couple drinks and then a huuuge dessert( which I absolutely never do but just really wanted for some reason) and still felt hungry for the rest of the night. I felt awful afterwards not least because of the sugar rush after following my fasting schedule for five days but I was so overly full. I regretted it and thought I’d undone so much work.

I thought about it and read about it and the problem was that I had pasta and pizza to break my 18 hour fast which massively spiked my insulin.

Last weekend I broke my fast but this time with steak and salad (no dressing) and I had nowhere near the same feeling. I didn’t even want dessert and although I had a couple glasses of wine I didn’t feel as hungry at all.

I hope that helps. 💪


When I do 16:8 I typically eat 2 meals. Which is a huge change from the normal 3 meals and snacks. So your meals should be a bit bigger. Make sure you are having enough protein and veggies etc. Fill up on the more healthy stuff 1st.

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