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So is milk actually good for bones or not?

a website claims milk is bad for bones. The following paragraph comes from said page. Thoughts?


As described above, dairy doesn’t help with bone health, and in fact, makes it worse. Ditching milk and dairy products will help prevent osteoporosis from developing, and also get rid of mucus problems as well as skin and gut issues. Because dairy products are acid-forming, they literally leach minerals out of your bones, and increase your risk of fractures over time.

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>Because dairy products are acid-forming, they literally leach minerals out of your bones

Instantly tells you this is some quack website. The body exists in a very tight pH range.

Anything claiming ACIDIFICATION or BASIFICATION of blood or whatever through diet for health benefits is quackery AT BEST.


There seems to be a lot of bias here, for a sub meant to be based on fact… all food, as anything, has ups and downs. Milk usually contains generous amounts of calcium, among other vitamins. Calcium can be good for your bones.

As all things, we can not just say it’s good for bones. We can say, however, that if you consume dairy without negative side effects, there might be some long-term benefit for your bones in a dosage that is tolerable for you individually.

If you want something specific to yourself, seeing a professional nutritionist/dietician is going to get you the closest answer. Otherwise, you can do some manual tests by removing it for a considerable time and noting any changes. Re-add it at a standard low dosage and again note any changes. This is likely to be a dieticians approach. However, they are also likely to have a lot more knowledge on the current facts and likely outcomes and will be able to assist with symptoms to ensure causation/correlation is set correctly.


The claim milk is bad for bones is absolutely bogus. While milk may detrimentally effect some people’s skin and therefore cutting it might help skin, there is absolutely no negative association between bone health and milk


One meta analysis showed that there has been no association between milk intake and deceased risk of hip fracture in women, even at high intake. Another study discovered that drinking milk could increase the risk of hip fractures in men. Sources: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20949604/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24247817/


You can google which foods have more calcium then milk. You’ll find plenty and plenty of options. Milk was just pushed on us in school nutritional labels because the animal farmers were involved in politics. But truth is there are lots of side effects from milk. Which other foods do not. Studies show more and more as adults we truly do not cow milk. Seeds, almonds, sardines, broccoli and leafy veggies all have way more calcium than milk to name a few.


I have read that countries that places that drink the most milk (US and Europe) have the most osteoporosis and fractures, while those that drink the least (Africa) have the strongest bones.

I have also read the best thing for bones is a plant-based diet, not deficient in protein, with weight-lifting exercise, is the best way to maintain bones.


There are a lot of ‘nutrition experts’ who read half an article to find some ‘shocking new development’ and then run to their dumb tik tok to disseminate false information for likes. Keep an eye on your sources.


I was told by a doctor decades ago that, as adults, we don’t process or break down cow milk. It turns into sugar in our stomachs. Sugar creates inflammation and inflammation creates cancer. There are other ways to get calcium. I find goat dairy has 40% more calcium. More research is needed to break down the different sources of dairy. Not just cow.


Your bones stops absorbing all the calcium they need by the time you are about 28. So after that you can’t increase bone density. Exercise, calcium and good nutrition help with that. As an adult it is true that more and more studies are coming out saying that milk is actually a cancer causing agent. You can get like a quadruple amount of calcium from broccoli 🥦 and have a healthier lifestyle. That’s for sure. Milk also has cholesterol which clogs your arteries like most dairy and animal product. Broccoli don’t have side effects.


If you are suffering from a lot of catarrh or mucous (cough/cold/general illness) temporarily reducing dairy intake until you are feeling better can help reduce its production. Sometimes cutting out dairy may be recommended due to food allergies and intolerances. Calcium is the most abundant mineral found within the human body. Dairy can be a good source of calcium as long as your body has the resources to properly utilize it (vitamins and other minerals). If you are lacking in Vitamin D than your body might not be able to transfer dietary sourced calcium into your bones. Vitamin D can gained either through dietary sources or under certain conditions can be formed with sunlight and your skin (depends on skin type and strength of the sunlight). If you are concerned about your own nutrient levels and are looking to make sure you are not deficient talk to your Dr to arrange a blood test specifically to check for nutrient deficiencies. Hope this helps


Well, I’ve heard the mucus forming argument from vegans so I will assume this latest round of dullard absurdity is from them as well….no doubt they have the usual cherry picked angled study of questionable genuineness to go with it….to suggest that you can help prevent Osteo from developing by cutting dairy products is absolute nonsense……not only is milk rich in calcium, it is also a great source of protein and phosphorous….three key ingredients in bone health….I won’t even touch the ‘leach minerals out of your bones’ claim….

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