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So ladies, how to do this best with walking for exercise?

I’m planning to give 16:8 another try. Last time I didn’t lose at all but I also wasn’t really exercising. But I got a dog a few months ago and we’re up to 2 - 2.5 miles a day and climbing. I want to give IF another shot but my walk is in the morning after I drop the kids off at school. I tried it a couple days last week just to experiment and when I got home I was sooooo hungry! And I still had another hour or so until the end of my window.

If you walk for exercise, when do you do it? How do you make it work?

Thank you!

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I’m currently doing 16:8, which often ends up being more 17/18 during the week days.

In the morning when I get up, I’ve been doing 10 mins or so of yoga and then 40 mins on our elliptical while watching a show. Then go to work and a few hours late I break the fast.

I’ve added in walking in the evenings after work with the dog.

But for exercise during the fast, I do find myself hungry but I make sure to have some water and busy myself until I’m really ready to eat. But I guess being at work helps with that. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah your doggie will thank you for getting a walk in! Congrats on getting out there andd moving!

I walk for exercise. I have a treadmill so I usually walk when I get home from work. Or I walk first thing on the weekends. Lately I have been mixing it up. I will walk for 3 or 4 days then take a day off now. I try to walk most days. I dont do inclines. I just like to move. I know it helps me function better.

I worked my way up to an hour. I only walk about 3mph. I am 53 so I am not as fast as I used to be but I am working on it.

I do extended fasting now so I dont push real hard on my treadmill. I usually drink electrolytes when I am walking on my treadmill.

My walking is for stress relief and I love when I am finished!

Good luck your are on the right track!


Work days, I wake up and do resistance bands (3 days/wk) after bands I usually try to get in a 30-45 minute treadmill walk. I am quite hungry afterwards, but just drink water and ignore the hunger. Usually walk another 30-45 minutes at lunch. I break my fast 3:45/4:00. Weekends I do resistance bands and walk 1 hr minimum, but not at a set schedule just whenever I feel like it. Not sure if this is the best way, but it’s what I’m doing.

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