| | Water Fasting

Something as got to give.

I have lost 130lbs so far, but have been stalled for a year. I started back to OMAD two months ago and do keto when I eat. I also have been taking some supplements that are said to help, including Berbaine. I have lost nothing. I don’t get how that is possible if I’m fasting. Maybe I need to go back to my little 1200 calories a day and see if that does anything. Either I’m doing something wrong, or I’m broken, because I still have at least 60lbs to loose.



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First, I’m not an expert by any means but I would start by asking some question…

  1. You say 60 pounds to go…. what’s your BMI?

  2. What amount of exercise to you get?

  3. How much water are you drinking?

I, personally, don’t believe you need supplements to loose weight with the exception of electrolytes if you fasting.

Not knowing the answers to those questions…some checklist items to consider

  1. If you are relatively sedentary , you need at least 0.5ounces water per pound body mass per day. Example, if you weigh 200lbs, you need 100 ounces of water per day. If you are active and sweating, double that amount.

  2. I asked about your BMI… maybe your target weight is too low…. don’t abuse yourself.

  3. At least walking everyday, I find helps. I’m not saying the calories burnt walking make a big difference. I believe that just getting up and being active is good for the body.

  4. Consider a short duration extended fast… 3 days, 7 days. I find it “resets” my body. That may kick your body into gear.

  5. Did you take before and after body measurements? Sometime my body is changing shape even when the scale doesn’t show a change.

  6. Hidden carbs.. hidden calories… Do a detailed audit… you might be getting hidden carbs/calories that you didn’t think were in there.

  7. Have you been to a doctor? Thyroid problems? Medications? Worth making sure there’s not something else working against you.

Just my opinion. Hope that helps. And CONGRATULATIONS… losing 130lbs is amazing.


It’s my understanding that eating at a deficit will seriously harm your metabolism. In fasting mode your body is burning fat and repairing itself and doing all sorts of wonderful things. Being kept in a constant state of calorie deprivation will cause your BMR to plummet and you might not ever recover from that. I’d recommend- but who am I but an old mom in Brooklyn who works in finance- to pepper in some 48-hr fasts into your week. I dropped from OMAD to five meals a week and I’m seeing good results. I get it though, it’s VERY FRUSTRATING. Keto even stopped working for me.


I believe it is possible Thermogenic Adaptation. I know Fung says that won’t happen but all his studies are short term and I have seen many a faster get into this position.

I would take a reasonable break and eat to your TDEE (and watch the scale to see that you aren’t gaining tons of weight)

I suspect that the thing that tells your brain that you are getting sufficient food is fullness in the stomach and intestines. So try to be full during that time. But don’t go overboard.

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Categories: omad keto calories electrolytes sedentary extended fast carbs thyroid medication deficit recover fung studies a fast stomach