| | Water Fasting

Something clicked in my brain on my second day of water fasting.

This is my second day fasting, so because of the insane cravings, I decided to go outside for an hour long walk. During that walk I realized how unhealthy my eating habits were. I basically stay at home all week and order a pizza or two daily. Literally eating myself to the point where I feel nauseous. I also smoke and use other methods of nicotine. Also binge drinking every weekend isn’t impossible for me either.

This Monday I decided to weigh myself, and I was actually horrified. I weighed 100.2 kilograms. Then it really hit me. I really wanted to lose weight, but as lazy as I am, I wanted instant results. I remembered my friend mention about water fasting a while ago, so I went and researched about it.

Now two days in I’m realizing that water fasting isn’t for lazy people, because lazy people would give in to the urges. Also I’m noticing that I feel a little bit more energetic and healthier over all. (My awful sleeping schedule used to be a problem for me) But due to me being so badly exhausted yesterday, I went to bed at 11pm and actually woke up at 8am.

I weighed myself after coming from the walk, and it showed 96.3 kilograms. That’s just insane. Even though I’m still obese. It felt very rewarding after all the cravings. I also realized that when you “work” for the sense of accomplishment, it feels even greater.

I also notice how I’m in better mental state overall. I almost always feel down and anxious due to my depression, but I’m finally feeling a little bit uplifted.

I’m going to fast for a week more, and I’ll update my results and thoughts on this thread.

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Yep ketones are like rocket fuel for the brain! Sugar/carbs actually increase your feelings of anxiousness and depression. Fasting isn’t easy but it can be VERY rewarding. Good luck on this journey and healthier lifestyle!


I recently finished a 10 day fast and like you I was fascinated by what was happening in my body. The waves of cravings would change from sugar/fried foods to fried chicken to ramen noodles or schwarma, etc. I feel like it was the bad bacteria in my gut desperately trying to trick my brain into getting them fed.

The next two days-ish will be a struggle for sure, but hang in there! It will get better by day 4. Every day you will feel your body healing a bit more. So happy for you!

Also, like another poster said: after day 3, it’s NOT GAS. I gambled and lost three times. Do not make my mistake.

Good luck!


The way I look at it, it’s lazier to do nothing, than it is go get food and eat it. So if you want to take it to an extreme you might meditate when you would normally eat, and focus on something non-dietary. Optionally if you’re sleepy you could nap for 15-30 minutes instead, to get over the spike of hunger.

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Categories: water fasting habits binge lose weight sleep obese reward to fast keto sugar carbs 10 day fast chicken struggle tea