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Spent/Needed calories throughout the day

I want to know here if it’s possible to know the calories spent or needed by our body throughout the day, I know that we have variables like how many calories we spent over time because we can do more or less physical activities and movements, but are there any common parameter that could evaluate at least part of it? Like if there’s a caloric difference between hours after waking up and before sleeping.


Based on that, I want to set up, modify and understand better diets apart.


Anyways, thanks, and have a nice day!

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I think this is what you’re referring to?


You can put in your weight, height, activity level, and it’ll calculate about how many calories you’re expending vs. what you would need to eat to maintain your current weight. It factors in the expected normal calorie burn that happens daily regardless of your exercise.


You need to experiment with your own body and diet as everyone is different. Start at a baseline of say 2000 calories a day. Weigh yourself everyday and after a week determine if you lost, gained or maintained your weight. That will tell you how many calories you need to eat to achieve your weight goals.

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