| | Water Fasting

Starting a 3 day fast which may lead to longer depending how my body feels

40/m have seen great success with long term fasting. I fell out of it around Feb but successfully had gone from 270 to 200lbs. I am back up to 230 and regret for falling off as far as eating better, more controlled, once I got to a good weight.

That being said, my wife is gone for 30 days and this means no one’s cooking for me. Which means that I’m too lazy to cook on my own. So this is a good opportunity to see where my body can go in 30 days.I’d love to do a 30 day water fast just not sure I’d be able to without proper guidance… I don want to do harm to myself.

I plan on checking in on this thread every night to keep myself accountable. My goal starting now is Monday, Tues and Wednesday to fast. Thursday Am I may or may not break my fast. If I break I may settle for a protein drink followed by salmon and salad. If i break Thursday then I’ll do 8/16 on Thurs and Friday, fast Saturday and 8/16 Sunday. Restart my 72 Monday to Wed and repeat rest of week.

I just had 3 ravioli for dinner and have checked out mentally. Wish me luck. My starting weight today is 230. I will post weight loss every Monday.

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i’m sure you’ll be fine with the fasting, but i’d recommend watching out for electrolytes. I just wanted to say this now since you mentioned “potential harm”:

you mentioned how you “regret falling off and how you need to control your diet, eating better, etc. imo, that’s not a healthy way of viewing yourself or your health. It means that their might not be something in your current diet that’s sustainable. However, don’t forget that things come up that we can’t avoid, so don’t be to hard on yourself. Also, you went from 270 to 200 lbs! if you do long term fasts, it’s going to be inevitable that you gain some weight back but that’s all really impressive! Just make sure to remember whenever you hit your goal weight to think of balance. Not only of foods you desire, crave, etc, but also what’s sustainable in the LONG term! You might be prone to yo-yoing in weight which WILL do long term harm to your body! If you incorporate fasting into your life, make sure it’s sustainable and that you don’t see this as a way to “return” to being healthy if you’ve fallen off the wagon (which you shouldn’t anyways if your diet is sustainable).

that was a lot of word jumble, but i hope that makes sense. good luck!


8/26 still fasting. Decided to see if I can make the 7 day mark. I’m feeling ok. Last night I was a bit hungry but drank some water. I woke up with a headache but after some black coffee and water it seemed to subside. I’ve also took a magnesium last night to help with some leg cramps I was experiencing. My weight today is 221. Roughly 10 lbs down since Sunday. I have been drinking a lot of water ans catch myself running to the bathroom often. I will wait till Sunday night for my refeed st this point and then begin a t 16/8.


8/23 - 48hr into fast. Drank lots of water and even black coffee today. I am having a bit of a headache. Some stomach grumbles. I said I wouldn’t weigh but checked in at 226.8 today. Hopefully this headache goes away by the time I wake up.


8/24 Right now feeling better than last night. Drank a big cup of black coffee- may have been the caffeine that caused me thr headache. I have dropped 6 lbs so far from Sunday which is pretty impressive. I may continue on for the full 7 days before starting with 16/8. Drinking lots of water though.


8/27/22. Day 6. I’m feeling a bit weak today. Like drowsy and a bit sluggish. No.headaches but I do have some back pain. Just feeling meh. I honestly can’t wait for this long fast ends. I probably cap at 218 lbs when done from around 231.

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