I have 30-40 lbs to lose following a grueling back surgery (and lots of feeling bad for myself).
I’m looking for an idea of what changes to look out for? Ofc I know weight loss but. Will I notice mood/energy sleeping changes? If so how long Weight loss how long till I can possibly start seeing results Is eating 2 meals between 8p:12p ok? I keep seeing 2:18? Can I drink water during fasting times? If I’m the beginning while my body adjusts I get kinda hungry is there anything I can eat? Ofc not making it a habit but I have a demanding job and my stomach grumbling during meets doesn’t work Any other advice is greatly appreciated
16:8 (16 hours of fasting, 8 hours of eating) is recommended for beginners; 2:18 is not a thing. You can work up to 18:6 or 20:4 over time if that looks like a good plan once you’re comfortable on 16:8.
Definitely drink water in your fasting window. It’s not just allowed but really important, and will ward against grumbling stomachs too.
2 balanced meals in your eating window is a good plan. The trick is to keep it sustainable as a lifestyle change. Put the eating window wherever in your day works best for you (though I would avoid having your last meal too close to bedtime).