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Starting out with fasting, nothing else works. Any advice on how to start?

After a day of eating anything i could get met hands on, I’m so done. I tried 16:8 some time ago, bit didn’t feel like it did enough for me My goal is to lose about 40lbs and help my poor gut feel better. I want to start out with a whole day fast just to get it out of my system. But I’m not sure where to go from there. 20:4, OMAD? Several day fasts?

What is the best approach?

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Dont waste time doing keto. A 48 hr fast all it takes to get into ketosis from fully carbed up. Do a 24 hr omad with a small keto meal then jump into 48s. Do a 72 once to reset immune system and then cruise on 48s. Keep meals in between 48s keto and calories moderate. Cruise on that until you stall then do a carb up maintenance refeed for two days and start fasting again. You should lose 40 lbs within three months doing this. May be slower if you’re inactive or have low muscle mass.


Get accustomed to OMAD first (I’d do this for around two weeks) then try out Alternate Day Fasting (fasting one whole day then eating the next day). By doing ADF you’d be fasting for 48 hours if you incorporate OMAD on the days you eat.

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Categories: omad keto ketosis calories muscle alternate day fasting