| | Water Fasting

Starting Over Afrer 2 Years of Progress

Work and personal stuff got the best of me and I let it affect my eating habits. half of 2021 was hell and the holidays was the nail in the coffin. Lost 30kg (66lbs) over 2 years and now I got 20kg back. sigh.

If I did it once, I can certainly do it again! WE ALL CAN! let’s do this fam! let 2022 be our year! ,🎉

I’m starting a 100hr fast. But let’s see where my limit is lol 😂

Stop Fasting Alone.

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Remember, don’t go all hard cover.

Gentle and steady is the way.

I lost 43 pounds but these past 3 months the scale has not moved up or down. Kept it that way with plenty of excerise while eating good holiday food. 🥰

Once you lose the weight keep at your habits that kept it off.

2022 🥳 here we come….

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