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starting to gain my weight back.

i went from 240 to 195. i had been lingering around 195 for months. but i had a really bad two weeks. i was eating out a lot. i got a new scale last week and checked in at 210. this morning i woke up to 209 but i just checked and now im at 216. i am devastated. i am feeling deeply disappointed in myself. i am struggling to fast. i am hoping looking at this sub and seeing people’s success and remembering where i came from will help. i want to believe some of this is water weight because i am on my period and the meals had a lot of sodium. but there’s simply no way i went up 20 pounds and it’s just water weight. i messed up big time. anyone else dealing with this or have before?

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hey, some of it is probably water weight! There’s nothing to do but keep calm, reset, try doing IF or OMAD for a couple days, and then, if you want, try for a longer fast. you lost a ton, and most of the work is done. it’s just the work of maintenance. you can do this!


Weighing yourself multiple times a day isn’t useful. Depending on your size, and how much water and poo you have in you weight can vary wildly in a day.

Just weigh yourself once a day and average it weekly so you know you are trending in the right direction. Slow and steady. Two weeks isn’t very long in the grand scheme of things, just keep trying to move in the right direction. You can do it!


Fasting is a good way to lose weight, but if your lifestyle caused you to get up to 240lbs then you fast to 190lbs and return to your previous lifestyle then you will go back to 240lbs.

Long term weightloss only works with exercise and a change in eating habits, Fasting is a great way to limit calorie intake (hard to eat 3k calories a day in 1 meal or 6 hour window).

Fasting alone won’t work unless you change the reason you gained weight in the first place.


It happens to most everybody, I would just concentrate on my diet and make sure to eat enough good fats, cut down on the food I know isn’t good for me, and prepare and plan for my next fast. Soon enough you’ll be back to losing weight and feeling a lot better. It isn’t always easy, but the end goal is worth the effort! Best of luck and you can do it!


Yup, I have totally went on 2 or 3-week binges in the past where I’ve gained like 15-20lbs. Most of it is definitely water weight and it normally takes me about the same amount of time to lose all of that weight. So instead of focusing on how much progress you lost, just think that in only 2 weeks from now, you could possibly be back to 195.

Also, you really should only be looking at your morning weigh-in number. It’s pretty normal for middle of the day weigh-ins to fluctuate up to 10lbs.

Lastly, I would REALLY recommend you stop weighing yourself for a couple of weeks while you get back into fasting. I know you’re probably rolling your eyes at this, but take it from someone who has been obsessed with the number on the scale and weighed herself every single day for 3+ years. Sometimes when you’re trying to lose weight, weighing yourself can really discourage you. If you don’t lose as much weight as you expected one day, you might think “why am I even fasting if it’s not working” and that number will dictate your mood for the entire day. Or seeing that number even if it is decreasing will still discourage you because you’ll think “ugh I still have so much weight to lose”. For the time being, try to just focus on how your clothes fit and take progress pictures.


Get back to it, don’t let yourself gain more. I’ve been in your position many times, lost and gained the same 60 pounds a few times over many years. What has really helped me is having a cue/trigger to associate with my weight goal and I write it or have it visible everywhere. My trigger is a number that I associate with a award I won at my fittest. Whenever I fail or have cravings my trigger comes to mind instantly and sets me on the right path again.

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