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Steamed Potato vs White Rice

Which one is more nutritious ? (especially if one’s considering losing body weight)

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You should know that if you cook potatoes, rice or oats and then cool it, the next time you reheat them the glycemic hit won’t be a big. Cooling starches before reheating and eating creates Resistant Starches which are very beneficial and your body has to work harder to digest them. So instead of 4 calories per gram, you only get 2 calories per gram.



Honestly whatever you prefer. Alternate them. But I can tell you potatoes are much more satiating if you are considering weight loss. I forgot to add potatoes make you retain water by a lot as well. So don’t weigh yourself daily probably.


The best choice would be cold boiled potatoes. The starches will no longer be broken down in the small intestines, and not only will your insulin spike be much smaller, you will also get more fibre in the large intestines.

The same is to some extend true for white rice, obviously the best choice will be brown rice, especially if you can find those freshly harvested.

Residual carbs will improve gut health.


If you are trying to lose weight, then you have to consider the amount of carbs you are taking in, on a daily basis. People that want more of a leaner look try to add more protein to their diets and less carbs.


I am inclined to say potato but I don’t know about fancier types of rice (black/wild/others) Another variable is that if you cool them you transform some of the simple carbs in them in resistant starch (reheating adds to resistant starch!)

Anyway, especially if you live in US, the best idea is to get a CGM device and eat all the foods you normally eat this way you will know how YOUR body reacts to each of them.It will cost you a few hundred bucks but will answer all similar questions you might have.


For weight loss, potatoes are by far the best option. They are far less calorically dense and much more satiating than any kind of rice (white, wild, brown, etc.) Potatoes are a great weight loss carb in general because they are so filling and low in calories compared to other foods.

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