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Stomach growling all the time!!

Hi everyone!

I’m currently 5 weeks into fasting 17/7. My eating window is from 12p.m. to 7p.m.

Well my problem is, that even though I’m not hungry or feel any appetite, my stomach stars to growl 1-2 hours before I break my fast. I don’t know how to handle it, it makes me extremely uncomfortable and it’s embarrassing because my colleagues hear it everyday nonstop.

I’m drinking plenty of water, usually 0,5 gallons before lunch and another 0,5 for the rest of the day. But water isn’t really helping, peppermint tea isn’t helping either, so what else could I try?

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Just know that this is not hunger.

This is just the sounds (called borborygmi) your stomach makes all day long as the muscle squeezes to move gasses and fluids along the 30ft stretch of your intestines.

The only reason you hear it is b/c your gut is not full…but it is not hunger, it is just not full.

I, personally, take a shot of apple cider vinegar around this time and it stops the sounds but your mileage may vary.

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