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Stopped counting calories


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I am on maintenance and stopped counting. I feared the world may end but I haven’t put on any weight (yet). Still trying to keep protein up so maybe that’s why (it’s certainly nothing to do with the wine….🤣)


That’s wonderful! Great job. I personally stopped tracking CICO for a few weeks and hit a plateau that even 20:4 couldn’t break, so I’m back to counting with MFP. It works so I’ll stick to it I guess lol


I counted some at the beginning to get a feel for it but that’s it. I don’t count any longer. I just make good choices (but I don’t deprive myself), walk, drink water and do a 16:8 IF.

No fast food whatsoever and if I have restaurant food, I’m very careful.


I was in the same boat as you literally a year ago tomorrow. Moved across country and man was that a stressful move. It seemed like the odds we’re trying to work against me. I ended up putting on 15 out of the 20 pounds I lost last year. And my gym schedule was non existent. I completely stopped running as well.

I had all the time in the world to workout prior to the moving being I worked from home. I realized that I needed to get a game plan going being so much has changed. I got back into IF and lost 10lbs. Started walking more and then started running again. I started lifting again as well. Caught Covid for the first time and was able to get back to normal a week later. I literally had to figure out how to maximize my time if I truly wanted this weight gone. I go hard in the gym on the days I work from home and the weekends because I have more time on those days.

I literally had to make this my priority and I’m so happy I did. I’m only down 20lbs but I see lots of changes in my body. It’ll be two months since I’ve been back on a lifting routine and hoping to have a decent pic to post at the end of year. Anyways, I hope you find your happy medium once you find your balance.


I battled an eating disorder where I spent so much time counting calories and macros. Part of why I love IF is I don’t have to do that. I know weight loss can be a little slower when you don’t but I would eat really strict 3 or 4 days then binge 2 or 3 & I was gaining. So I know I’m aiming for fruits & veggies & protein, lower carbs & sugar but a slice of pizza doesn’t send me into a 3 day food fest and depression. Also I feel like I CAN’T eat more pizza than a piece or two. It is really great :)

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