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Stressing Out About How to Break My Fasts

Hey guys, I’ve recently started doing IF and have mainly been doing OMAD and 20:4 IF with 16:8 on weekends. Originally I thought that IF was simple and that was one of the things that drew me to it, but recently I have been seeing videos from you-tubers, specifically a guy named Thomas Deluar, who are speaking about the very specific foods that are okay to break a fast with and what is not okay. In his videos the main no-no that he speaks about about when breaking a fast is having carbs together with fats. Until now, I have often been breaking my fast with 2 pieces of whole wheat bread, cheese, lox, avocado, and eggs. This has been an easy and filling meal for me and something that I really enjoy. I wanted to hear from the community about the way that you break your fasts and if I should change what I am doing, or if I should just chill and not stress so much about what I break the fast on and just make sure to not be overeating. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Thomas Deluar’s video is bullshit. For short, daily fasts it doesn’t matter how you break it. There’s no science to what he said.

The important thing is that what you break your fast with doesn’t upset your stomach or make you nauseous. So if cold leftover pizza works, eat that. If bone broth is your thing, then do that. But don’t fuss over it.

The only exception is long, multi day fasts, where broths would be best to break your fast. Otherwise, listen to your body and break your fast with what you want.


Just eat some nice natural food and not processed food! It’s not complicated, I used to cook up a nice breakfast for myself and lost a ton of weight doing IF. These YouTubers are just trying to garner likes


u/davidofmidnight, u/Inquisitive_87, u/jumpinjackieflash Thank you for the responses. Like you guys said, my first instinct is to think that these videos are bullshit and that as long as I’m not overeating or feeling sick than I’m doing just fine with IF. It’s just like a an overwhelming amount of info when I see these you-tubers putting out so much content on the right way to be doing IF. I’ve found that Dr. Fung is really the only guy that basically says to keep it simple and eat what you want within reason during eating windows.


The best aspect of this way of eating is not having to restrict your diet as if you are trying to… well, diet. Please don’t treat this like just another kind of diet where you have to do X, Y, and Z to lose weight. Eat what you want for your one meal. And stop when you’re full. That’s it.


Also, I think some context helps. I haven’t watched his videos but did a quick search and just looking at him he’s all muscle and obviously really into fitness and body building.

If that’s what you want, to have a greek god physique, then yeah it might matter to not have carbs in your breakfast, because you’re trying to get that muscle definition on your abs and every percentage point of body fat matters.

But if you’re not cutting and just trying to lose some weight and live a “normal” healthy life, then what you break your fast with doesn’t really matter.


i am not an expert, but this last If i started back in april has me down 27lbs, i thought i lost more for some reason. anyways i only eat one tiny meal and one can of dew a day at lunch time. this is my default behavior, but i dont sweat it too much any more. if i get invited to dinner, i will eat that meal and consider it a break from the routine. also anything goes on the weekend. i may stick to my one tiny meal and a soda, or get invited to dinner some where, again i dont sweat it.

a few months ago, i was sticking to one tiny meal and riding a bicycle about 3 times a week and it was stressful and i was stuck at 219lbs for about 3 weeks.

then i read that i likely was starving my self and needed to eat some real food for a few days, and taaa daaa, it worked, i went back it IF and broke through that weight i was stuck at and i was less stressed/angry.

also, in the last few weeks i realized food had very little power over me. when i would get that tiny meal and drink every day i was so looking forward to it, and i couldnt help but feel happy while eating that tiny sandwich. now i dont really care, its more about something i get to enjoy but not like i used to. now i am like meh, and i am down to 212lbs which is the lightest i have been in a long time. 20more lbs and i think i will try putting muscle back on.

i guess the short version is, everyone is different, and i was stressing it a bit a few months ago, but the very thing that i needed was to relax a bit and have some breaks, plus that “need” to eat and that satisfying feeling you after you eat will diminish. i am definitely feeling more centered now and sleeping better too.

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