| | Water Fasting

Struggles after adding lifting

So I’ve (34M, 5’10 CW: 188 GW: 170) been doing IF since late October and seen great results so far. I was mostly on an 18:6 with some days of OMAD. There have been a few setbacks (holidays, briefly had a job which had me commuting which messed up meal timing), but since the new year I’ve started working out again.

Since lifting again I’m ravenous. Where I wouldn’t get hungry till 3 pm, now I’m hungry by 11 AM. I’d be satisfied by a single meal, now I’m at least having a snack in addition.

So I guess I’m asking for advice or any good guides to help me better structure my eating times or what I’m eating to stay on a good track while still keeping my activity up.

Appreciate all the insights and help!

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Make sure you’re getting all the electrolytes and protein you need now that you’ve started lifting. Add in a protein shake at the end of your eating window and get some potassium and magnesium supplements plus add some more salt in your diet. Sweating and being in ketosis which you are for a few hours each day even though you’re not doing keto rids your body of prescious salts.

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