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Struggling and unsure what I'm doing wrong

Hi all, long time watcher. So before the panini I was doing keto and working out. Eventually got myself down to OMAD and was doing amazing. Lowest weight since highschool. Because I have ADHD and need the routine, the panini screwed me up hard and I gained back further than I was before I started. I buckled down and have been consistently IF (started at 16:8, next week 18:6, next week 20:4). Most days I’m doing OMAD. I eat so much less. Like I think when I was in my bad times I was about 3000 cal. I’m usually about 1200 - 1400 now and work out hard with weight training 3-4 times a week (hard for me to do cardio as I have sciatica and absolutely abhorrent knees). I also larp so over the spring, summer, and fall I’m usually quite active with fighting and questing. I only drink soda stream fruit infused water (during my eating time) and calorie free water the rest. No caffeine (anxiety). Little to no sugar. I track on the LoseIt app and do it daily. I fast daily.

But I am not losing. No inches, no pounds, no nothing. I feel so lost and hopeless. How am I staying the same at Half the calories and being disciplined with myself when I was lazy and heavily overeating before.

I have talked with my doctor and my trainer and they both say I’m doing the right things. I just don’t know what to do and really need help. Any advice? Sw: 231 (January 11) Cw: (209 and holding- since February 10) Gw: 145.

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Definitely get a second opinion on my 2 cents here but I wonder if you aren’t eating enough given the weight training. You might need protein after which would shift your eating window…I’m still new to IF but I know when it comes to working out, sometimes you need to get away from the straight math of calories. If possible I would try to get a nutritionist or doctor to explain what impact eating protein after lifting would have on your weight loss goals. Regardless, I know that you are frustrated now but you have A LOT to be proud of!


I wouldn’t stress that number too much, listen to the people who know and don’t rush things. You’ll get there if you keep at it and continue to work hard.

There’s no immediate fix, no one experiences the same time line and muscle weighs more than fat. If you’re doing things right you can expect to stay round the same weight for some time because you’re losing while you’re making gains. Do you feel better, stronger, faster?

Dont stress the numbers friend.


Because weight loss isn’t linear and you have only been holding for 4 weeks. People fixate far too much in the number on the scale. Do that less. If you are sure that your food and eating is correct now it is about long term consistency. Don’t worry about the time it takes. Focus on doing the right things daily and give it time. This is about long term changes that you can do sustainably. People too often see immediate loss and expect that to continue. In my 2 years losing the weight I had many points that I held at. But once you know what you are doing is working it is just a matter of keep doing it. I really advocate about not weighing especially early on. Even week to week won’t give you real info other than a data point on a longer trend line that you can look back on. But you don’t get much from seeing the number one week and then the next. There are too many variations and swings that can happen. For example I have seen my weight fluctuate 8 pounds in 24 hours. Even if I lost or gained a pound of fat in that week it can easily be masked by changes in water weight. I didn’t even own a scale for the first year. Just wasn’t necessary for what I was doing. It meant that I went through that year not seeing those ups and downs other then I was down a full clothes size by the end of the year. Once you know you can do it without constant monitoring it becomes far easier.

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