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Struggling to fast during period?

I am new to fasting, I have been playing around with 16:8 the past few weeks with great results and feeling much more alert and energetic. However, I started my period yesterday and I have been exhausted and hungry the past few days. Has anyone else experienced this, especially when you first got into fasting?

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OMG I almost asked this exact question! Yes, i’m sooooo hungry and grumpy during my period, even after doing keto for months, that I just don’t try during that time of the month to fast. I always fail to reach my goal and just feel bummed


Yeah, cravings are no joke. Just keep repeating a mantra. And tiredness. Both. But keep trucking, we are tough and evolved to deal with worse! I just tell myself… pain is weakness leaving the body.

Headache is trying to take me down right now. Screw it!


The herbalist I used to visit once told me that we burn through an extra 250 calories a day in the lead up to and during our periods. Your BMR goes up, as does your body temperature, meaning you burn more calories. There’s also a lot of hormonal changes going on, not to mention a bunch of muscles contracting as they try to eject the old womb lining.

So your body will crave easy, quickly absorbed foods (hence the cravings: “I NEED CHOCOLATE/SUGAR/ICE CREAM/CUPCAKES) that also pack an endorphin hit.

As for solutions… I’m an OMADer and Ketoer so I just stop calorie counting on the days in the run up to my period. I keep my carbs low but otherwise eat fat and protein until I’m satisfied.

(Just as a point of note, I use complementary medicine alongside standard medicine - none of this “I want to cure my cancer naturally” nonsense.)


I notice a drop in energy for sure. Nothing too drastic, I think I was around day 4 or something. I just wrapped myself up like a human burrito and treated myself to something good on netflix 😋 Take it easy if you can; just like any time during a fast that you’re feeling exhausted.

That being said mine is coming up soon and I’ve been fasting for much longer than the other times I’ve had my period during a fast. Hopefully it goes well. Stay strong and try and find a way to treat yourself 💕 Worst case you can start again later if it’s too much.


Me too! I know this probably isn’t what you’re looking for but I usually give myself a break during that time- still 18:6 when I can and I try to stick away from bread, heavy foods and get at least some vegetables but I also try not to get mad at myself if I have a cookie or some chocolate every other day or so. It helps to push off the cravings if I ask myself if I’d rather have the treat meal for THIS craving or save it for a time when I really want it. You can do this! Don’t be too hard on yourself, we’ve been conditioned to eat a certain way for so long, it’s a huge win that you’ve even started this journey!


Same - just went through my first period after trying to keto/fast for a month (off and on not a month straight). I have made the executive decision that I can eat during the 4 days I’m on my period. My body is pissed at me if I don’t.


Your hormones drive you during your period. They are driving you to mate, which you should be aware of because it’s not the time to gamble with no birthcontrol. And they are driving you to eat.

If you are having trouble listen to your body. You can always start again.


This is my first time fast through my period. So far I haven’t had any trouble with appetite or craving but my energy has taken a hit. Pickle juice has helped me perk up a bit but I’m just getting through it.

Another issue is I did not lose any weight overnight like I normally do. I’m 33/60 hours in and typically right now I’m losing consistently so that was disappointing to wake up to. Maybe I’m bloated? I was 182.1lbs last night and 182.2lbs this morning.

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Categories: struggling to fast keto pain weak calories muscle sugar omad carbs energy a fast morning