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Struggling to get past day 2

I’ve tried and tried again, but I always break before making it to day 3. I was wondering what I can do to stay motivated and get through an extended fast.

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Are you hungry, or just bored?

Are you hungry, or do you want mouthfeel?

Are you hungry, or thirsty?

Are you craving something but don’t know what? You’re not hungry.

Are you getting electrolytes in?

Drink a lot more fluids, drink more water than you think, just drink it to fill yourself up. But replenish electrolytes proportionately.

Remember it’s okay to be hungry. Hunger is not a feeling you’re forced to act upon, it’s just what you’ve been raised to act upon your whole life because people don’t know how to deal with boredom or discomfort any more.


We are in exact same boat!!! I just posted on another my situation with lack of support at home and I’m always giving in for someone else’s feelings…not over eating or even unhealthy but STILL failing at my goal… ugh just want to learn to shut it off n do ME for me!!!! I need to visit this app more bc it is super motivating and supporting. I’ve never needed support in my life but now I am in need!!!


I am at 58 hours. I almost fell off at 13 hours, 15 hours and 24 hours. I really didn’t think I would make it past 24 hours. I will tell you (and this is my first fast beyond 35 hours), after 48 hours it’s gotten quite a bit easier. Make sure you are keeping yourself good on the electrolyte front. I attribute me sticking on it to that.

My wife telling me everyday that I “need to eat,” has not been helpful.


Take the nastiest food you can think of, and try and reach the point where you would eat that. That’s what hunger feels like, not cravings. Stay busy with work or hobbies, so you’re not constantly thinking about cravings.

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