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Struggling to keep up progress - bad days in between good days - advice?

hello all, I’ve managed to lose around 14lbs / 1 stone in weight since late Jan through fasting regimens. Started off with OMAD then tried a few 36 / 42 hr fasts, it’s all very mixed up.

My problem is that I have had a lot of days where I have fallen off the wagon and eat badly in between. I mean not terribly but I have years of bad habits to overcome so for me it is a bit of a case of on the days I eat I tend to go a bit overboard. I tend to stress eat; it’s also cold in my country at the moment so that’s probably a factor. As a single parent I can’t get out and about very much - my life is very limited and I work from home and can’t get out much to socialise - so very much “stay at home” making things more difficult and the inclination towards poor eating habits compounded by this.

So it is a case of one step forward one step back for me. I don’t find the fasting days difficult particularly but it’s the between times I struggle, especially with my stressful life that is a lot of the time stuck at home with the kids (obviously I do go out with the kids but that in and of itself can be stressful).

Does anyone have any tips for helping me find more discipline during my eating windows? I am wondering if sticking to strict OMAD with a small eating window may be better for me to “train” myself a bit better?

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Are your eating days just “whatever you fancy” kind of eating? Because if yes, then most definitely, OMAD with a pre-planned, portion controlled, calorie counted meal will definitely show more results.

If being at home tempts you with stuff you shouldnt be eating (but you can’t throw it out because it’s the kids’ or whatever) wrap it up or put it in tuppweware, and put it AWAY in a cupboard or pantry…don’t leave on countertops for you to stare at.

Stay out of the kitchen unless you are cleaning it (or preparing food for yourself or family.)

Sit down at a set table with music or an audiobook, don’t mindlessly gobble down food while watching television or scrolling your phone.

Unless leftovers are for another specific meal you have planned to eat? Toss them out or feed them to the dog, so you’re not tempted to graze later.

Don’t keep junk in the house. Yep, even for kids. My daughter (16 now) adores sugar-sweetened cereal (who doesn’t?) so that is the only junk thats kept in the house. we bake sweets for the holidays, but anything left January 2nd gets tossed.

plan your menus, make a list, and stick to it. since COVID, Ive started buying online and picking up curbside. Its convenient, but more importantly it saves me from impulse buys in the supermarket.The employees do need better training in picking out the best produce though

Over the years the one thing Ive definitely learned is you can’t eat it if its not there

Stick with it. Consistency over time is what yields results. And congrats on the 14 pounds! That IS progress/results!

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