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Struggling with not eating enough(?) need some input!

TLDR at bottom

Hey everyone! I started a weight loss journey on Jan 1, and then started IF 16:8 towards the end of January.

I’ve lost almost 30lbs since Jan 1. I am 39F, 5’9”, SW 298 current 271.

I was a HUGE binge eater and just constantly ate all day long all kinds of awful stuff. Just honestly couldn’t be worse. Ate out for 9/10 meals, then entire bags of chips for snacks, whole boxes of cereal in a day- you get the idea.

I’ve dieted on and off for my entire life and always struggled with the weight loss part. It always came off so slowly and I would get so discouraged.

However this time I’m doing amazing. I’m working out too which I know doesn’t do much for weight but it’s keeping my attitude better and IF has been so easy- I can stretch my fasting periods to 16-24 hours easily.

Now over the last two weeks I’ve really started to go the other way and really restrict food and eat probably too few calories and about one meal a day with a snack - because I’m less hungry and finally seeing weight loss results so I don’t want to slow it down either.

However I feel great and my energy levels are good, I’m not tired or suffering from any electrolyte deficiency feelings. I can keep up with my workouts and recover afterwards.

I know that fast weight loss supposedly isn’t healthy but I feel good and in still extremely overweight- so my body has plenty of reserve. I know this isn’t sustainable for much longer once I lose more weight. So is this ok for now?

TLDR: is me eating too few calories everyday “worse” than someone fasting for a month as a kickoff weight loss challenge? I’m just really enjoying some nice steady weight loss progress right now but don’t want to be doing something damaging to my body.


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Personally I think if you’re not feeling hungry, you are likely getting into fat-burning mode during your fasting time and using your own stores for energy. I don’t see harm in that. If you’re worried would recommend a visit to your doctor.


It’s not healthy, it’s not sustainable, it’s not good. If you suspect that you are not eating enough, you should just check it. The first step is the TDEE calculator. It’s count your TDEE and your calorie intake if you want to lose some weight. It would be your TDEE - max 500.

Another step would be counting what you are eating daily. If you really eat too little, you know how to fix it. Change one meal and a snack into two nice meals. Is it still not enough calories? Two meals and one snack. As you lose your weight, your TDEE and TDEE with deficit will shrink too. You could cut numbers of your feeding then.

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