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Stupid question

I know this sounds very silly and far fetched but i wanna know are vegetables actually toxic ? Most of the animal based / carnivore community argue that fiber is a lie and that we don’t need vegetables since they’re man made and full of anti-nutrients which are bad ?? On the other hand a lot of keto advocates or any other person for that matter encourages vegetable consumption and fruit restriction whereas some carnivores incorporated fruits back , honestly i am lost in this sea of contradicting info and i just want to know which side has the most proof , science backed research that proves strongly their points . What do you think

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The evidence is pretty clear. Fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet

Don’t spend time in echo chamber communities. They don’t look for evidence that doesn’t support their narrative


Carnivore diet can be helpful for a small subgroup of people with certain inflammatory health conditions. In their case, I’d argue that the benefits outweigh the costs, but they can’t generalize their results to the broad population. Most people need fiber. It’s imperative for gut health on so many levels. As we learn more and more about the gut microbiome, I’m not sure how they will be able to continue to deny that. Plant fibers are prebiotics, ie essential foods for the beneficial bacteria in our gut. I am an omnivore and love my meats, but I do not think there are any prebiotic properties in animal products. Someone correct me if I’m wrong…


Fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy, nutritious, varied diet. Fiber is important. Whole fruit intake (as opposed to juice or processed fruit) is not generally associated with negative health outcomes like diabetes or heart disease.

As a rule of thumb, a healthy, nutritious, varied diet does not try to restrict food categories or classify foods as “good” or “bad”. As soon as restrictions occur (e.g. no fruits/vegetables, no grains, no oils, and in many cases, highly restrictive carbohydrate intake), the diet’s potential for including variety can decrease significantly.

Limited/restrictive/non-varied diets are associated with increased risk of insufficient/inadequate micronutrient intake and increased risk of nutrient deficiency.


If you’re going to listen to any Carnivore (or anyone in general) they should be open to most ideas.

Carnivores that claim all plants are just poison to everyone. Are lying.

Any that claim there’s benefits and potential use for carnivore, are far more honest. They tend to be more realistic in that “if fruit and veg sit fine with you, go nuts”.

If you’re only just starting on nutrition stick to basic stuff. Eat real food, less processed and no fast food, drink water mainly and enjoy steak and potatoes 🤷‍♂️


I really believe they need to keep telling themselves (and everyone else) this to justify their particular style of eating. Not much different than the Keto community when it comes to carbs, or the vegan community when it comes to animal products.

That and claiming something that goes against what the majority know to be true is an easy way to bring traffic your way. Like click bait. This is the tactic many “influencers” use to get their name out there.


I have read a random book which talked about some plants being toxic, in the sense of a survival technique. Stops animals eating them yadayada.If I ever find it I’ll share the context but given I can’t recall much else Id classify it as useless info. The book was about a balanced diet which includes veges.


I will use 14 years of being married to a dietician and a comparison to make a point about this. The comparison is Swordfish!

Swordfish is my favorite fish in the world but it contains high levels of mercury and metals. I have only eaten it three times in my life and will probably only eat it about once every two to five years in the future. it is expensive and hard to find. Therefore my very rare consumption of this does not pose a threat with the low level of toxins in a serving versus eating it everyday. The health benefit of a lean protein outweigh the negative toxin.

Is the same for fruits and vegetables. some of my favorites like papaya and others will probably contain contaminants so I usually only eat papaya once a month or when visiting hotels or parties. Just keep a good variety of different colors and flavors in your diet.

If you want to be safe buy organic but use this rule thumb:

Thin skinned foods like grapes,papaya and apples should be purchased organic.

Thick skins like artichoke, watermelon and avocados dont have to be organic, its a waste of money,as is proceesed foods like organic soda, candy, snacks( Big Scam)


Wow. Vegetables toxic? that’s a pretty epic hot take. Proud omnivore here, and am positive that vegetables are very good for you and very necessary for a properly functioning body. It’s worth noting that medical science also says the same for animal protein, so… yeah. Go omnivore!


Different diets work for different people. For me, most vegetables are trash. My body doesn’t process them well. At all. Carnivore is one of the most gut-friendly, nutrient-dense and anti-inflammatory diets you can follow that also works wonders for managing / reversing chronic autoimmune issues (i.e. Hashimoto’s disease) and gut issues, such as IBS. It also helps you achieve rapid weight loss and body recomposition, almost effortlessly. Eating only high-quality, bioavailable animal foods and abstaining from toxic plant foods will reset your microbiome, address gut dysbiosis, support your hormones, nervous system, brain, etc. Plus, many other benefits. Carnivore Diet For Beginners + Cookbook by George Kelly is a nice read on the topic.


The carnivore diet is a conspiracy theory championed by radical Christian influencers who say that man should eat animals as a way to show dominance over all the other life forms on the planet. It is devoid of any scientific evidence.

Plants foods are wonderful and anyone who makes an overarching claim that they are all “toxic” is peddling conspiracy theories.


I think half the trouble is that we are all different so telling people to not eat veggies and cut certain food groups out may work well for some and for others it will be a disaster. Seems to me that personalised nutrition is the way to go.


You can be healthy with or without vegetables. In my opinion if you just Focus on eating organic Whole Foods you will be fine.

Everyone thinks they have the magic formula for nutrition. What works for someone may not work for you. Your best bet is to try different things and see what works best for you.

You also have to realize that the CDC and FDA are in the pockets of big pharma. They don’t give a shit about your health and they falsify and fabricate studies all the time. Just as they did with making everyone think cholesterol causes heart disease when in fact their is no correlation.

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