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Sudden weight loss, on prolong fasting healthy?

We generally hear one should not drop body weight suddenly saying it is not healthy.

But, on prolong fasting we loose too much weight too fast.

Like is this a healthy weight loss?

I will be starting with 72s rolling at 35% body fat and people around are really worried, thinking I will get weak and all.

I told them I will be taking electrolytes, and have enough body fat to sustain for long.

They throw up random questions, for which I don’t have answer to. What can I do ??

Plus does body glucose go really down ? Or can fasting induce diabetes?

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If you’re talking about what I call rolling 3:1, where you fast 3 days, eat 1 day, and repeat, then you’re about to prove them so wrong that it’ll be embarrassing. Or at least that’s my experience after a month.

Here’s how it went, first week sucked, as usual. But after that my energy levels were through the roof. I had more energy and strength than normal, no matter what day it was. I started a habit of hitting the gym hard the day before I’d eat (so 3rd day of fasting), to make use of the built up growth hormone levels and man did it feel amazing.

The only issue is that you have to carefully break your fast every eating day, or else you’ll spend some quality time on the toilet, haha. But it was honestly the best I ever felt during a fast, ever.


On a 72hr fast you are losing 0.5lbs of tissue. Its not really that much.Sure your weight can drop a lot more than that, but nearly all of it is the fact your intestines were full of yesterdays foods, now there is no yesterdays food.And you drop glycogen, which can easily be 7 lbs on its ownAll that part comes baxk over time, depending slightly on your diet after

Think of it like this1lbs of fat in your body gives you 3500 caloriesIf your maintenance calories is 1500 then you would lose 1lbs over 3 daysBut after the 1st day you body temporarily slows down so you burn less until you eatHence the half a pound ish

The fat lose is about the same as a good diet with exercise. They wouldn’t be upset about that would they?


If you stick to 3 day fasts you’ll be fine but you should start with skipping meals then go to skipping a day then 2 or 3.

You will be low on energy, depending on how active you are during the day, you might over do it. Listen to your body(I had a snack ready on my first 72 as an emergency lol).

Drink plenty of water and be hyper aware on your first fast.

I gave this vid to my family before I started fastingfast benefits

After my first 3 day my family stopped worrying and began complimenting me on the weight loss. But if you were to pass out by pushing yourself too much too soon it will make it even worse. Don’t put yourself or your family in that position and just respect your body.

If you’re rolling make sure you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs on days you dont fast. By eating normal on days im not fasting I haven’t plateaued. I’ve lost about 20bs since end of November and it’s gotten easier and easier to do weekly fasts.

I also start and end on the same day each week so they aren’t in the dark. Ive also told them a specific weight and referenced the bmi chart lol(I know exactly what your going through).

Good luck and be safe. Tell your family why your doing what your doing and just go for it. Dr. Fung on YT also has some good videos but it won’t matter what info you give them our society has been conditioned to eat 3 meals a day all our lives its normal for them to be worried but your health is your responsibility.


I do rolling 3 days fasts now mostly. This week will be an exception for Christmas holiday.

I started back in June with OMAD Keto. I eat Keto for my refeeds. I moved to 48 hour fasts after the first month and on to 2 72 fasts twice a week now. I take supplements and electrolytes daily. I walk on my treadmill for an hour most days.

I have lost 98 pounds since June. I am in the best health in my life. People can say the strangest things sometimes.

As the others have said and I will repeat listen to your body.

Make sure you refeed your body with good food. The kind of food to help with your fasting. Protein and fats with low carb will help. I would advise whole food. Please take your electrolytes when you fast and you should not have any problems.

Good Luck to you!


The only negative side effect that I know of a rapid weight loss is hair loss. And it is not permanent (your hair grows back). It is due to readjustment on the hormonal balance.Most women go through this after a few months after delivering a baby - not only because of the crazy hormonal reajustes the body goes through after pregnancy, but also due to the quick weight loss. So, if you loose 30lb in a matter of a month or even a couple months, you may expect hair loss.

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Categories: weight loss body fat weak electrolytes glucose diabetes energy habit oil a fast calories 3 day fast snack tea fung omad keto 48 hour fast low carb liver quick weight loss